Monday, July 13, 2009

Labour department set to inspect construction industry

By Ofentse Mokae
13 July 2009

The department of labour is to kick off its blitz inspections with nationwide visits to companies in the construction sector which started today.

According to a department media statement, the drive is aimed at ensuring compliance with safety and health laws, also responding to 2010 world cup projects, the statement said.

It is further stated that with the construction industry growing there is a need for workers to function in safe conditions in order to minimise accidents.

The campaigns set out by the department include hospitality and private security later in the year.

The department’s inspectors concluded inspectors in the agricultural, iron and steel sectors.

The department’s inspection and enforcement division, which drives the campaign, stated that worst offending employers would be followed up and be subjected to prosecution.

The drive takes place against the backdrop of labour Minister, Membathisi Mdladlana’s position that workers’ rights are human rights and that employers should not put profit above safety.

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