Safety tips for hikers

By Kim Saulse
20 January 2010

As avid hikers embark upon the beautiful mountain trails around Cape Town this summer, The City has advised residents of some important tips to make their hikes easier and safer.

· Don’t hike alone. The ideal size for a hiking party is four members.
· Always take enough water and food with you.
· Choose a route according to the experience, ability and fitness of the members in the party.
· Go with someone who knows the way, or carry a guide book, map or description of the route from someone who has done it before.
· Keep to the straightforward routes on well used paths until you know your way around. Follow the same route down, or an alternative one which you know well. Always heed signs advising danger, and do not take short cuts or go down unknown paths.
· Inform someone else of your exact route and expected time of return; stick to this route and plan.
· Every hiking party should have a leader, especially larger ones. Keep together and travel at the pace of the slowest in the group. Do not split the group or venture in different directions.
· Always be prepared for bad weather. Take along proper weather-proof clothing and wear good footwear (strong boots or takkies with non-slip soles).
· Carry a backpack to store extra clothing, food and supplies so that your hands and arms are free.
· Watch the weather and the time. It is important to give yourself enough time to get back, especially in the case of threatening bad weather.

(The above tips have been adapted from a pamphlet issued by the Search and Rescue Committee of the Cape Town Mountain Club)


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