Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Home Affairs extends operating hours

The Department of Home Affairs has announced that it has extended its operating hours by two hours, daily for all services. The extension began on Tuesday and will run up to 20 December 2024. On these days, offices will close at 18:00 instead of 16:00.

PIC: Home Affairs

Home Affairs has also introduced dedicated counters for collections in large offices that process Smart ID Cards and passports, where space allows. This it says is to ease pressure on its clients.

“These extended operating hours and process improvements are part of our commitment to delivering dignity to all our clients. We understand that many people are travelling over the festive period, which is why Home Affairs is going the extra mile to ensure South Africans get the documents they need to spend precious time with friends and family,’’ said Leon Schreiber, Home Affairs Minister.

Clients have an option to book application or collection appointments before visiting offices, using the Branch Appointment Booking System (BABS), which is available on the DHA Website – through this link:

The Department also allows clients who may not have an opportunity to book appointments to visit as walk-ins.

‘’We would like to urge all clients who have applied for their identification documents and have been waiting for three weeks or more, to seize this opportunity by visiting their Home Affairs office to collect these critical documents at their convenience,’’ said Schreiber.


Done By: Elona Sibunzi

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