Monday, December 09, 2024

Prioritise safety during festive season, urge WC Health

The Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness (WCDHW) is calling on all residents and visitors to prioritise safety during the upcoming festive season.

According to the department, its Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responds to an average of 60 000 calls, between 15 December and 15 January, annually, with many involving trauma and preventable incidents.

“The festive season is a time for celebration, but it can quickly turn tragic if we’re not vigilant. Children’s safety must be our collective responsibility. Whether at home, on the road, or at the beach, we all need to do our part to keep them safe,” said Mirelle Wenger, Western Cape Health & Wellness MEC.


Each year, preventable injuries and fatalities increase over the holidays, with children being among the most vulnerable. Dr Anita Parbhoo, CEO of Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, stressed the importance of supervision

“Children are especially vulnerable during this time. Proper adult supervision is essential - do not let it be compromised by distractions, alcohol, or other substances. Designate specific adults to keep watch during gatherings and ensure children are safe.’’

“Our teams are ready to respond, but we can’t do it alone. We need residents and visitors to do their part and act responsibly. This includes keeping an eye on children near water, securing them in car seats, and staying alert on the roads. Prevention is key to reducing the strain on emergency services,” she added.

Dr Saadiq Kariem, Chief of Operations at WCDHW, highlighted the significant pressure that emergency centres (ECs) face during this period. “The festive season brings a sharp increase in trauma cases, placing a heavy burden on our emergency centres. Our healthcare facilities are fully prepared, but we urge the public to help us by using these services responsibly. Only visit the EC for urgent and severe conditions, and avoid preventable emergencies by making responsible choices.’’

To manage the increased demand during the festive season, EMS has implemented a comprehensive Festive Readiness Plan designed to provide rapid and efficient emergency care:

Enhanced Deployment: Additional ambulances, paramedics, and response vehicles have been stationed in high-risk areas, including popular tourist spots, major roads, and busy beaches.

Specialised Resources: Advanced 4x4 rescue vehicles and motorbikes equipped with life-saving equipment will be deployed to areas with difficult terrain or heavy congestion.

Partnerships for Rapid Response: EMS will collaborate with key partners such as the National Sea Rescue Institute (NSRI), Lifeguards SA, the South African Police Service, and Traffic Services to ensure swift and coordinated emergency responses.

Safety in High-Risk Zones: In areas known as “red zones,” EMS teams will be accompanied by police escorts to ensure their safety while responding to emergencies.


 Done By: Mitchum George

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