Friday, January 10, 2025

Customer outraged with Checkers expired goods


A concerned customer has documented the sale of expired cold meats at Checkers in Hermanus, raising serious questions about food safety standards. With foodbourne illnesses circulating in various provinces the last thing South Africans need are expired food.

Antoinette Morkel stated she had been complaining about expired goods at the Whale Coast Mall in Hermanus. Thereafter, she decided to document old food in the supermarket.

She noticed the entire month of December that Checkers sold expired food. Every day in December, she saw that Checkers was selling expired yoghurt or cold meats, the entire month. She said the products were placed on the marked-down shelves.

On Wednesday, Morkel went back and found old black forest beef, sliced turkey and yoghurt. There was one that expired on 7 December and the other on the 19th. She documented many pictures of these, but still is very concerned.

 Morkel said she decided to be vocal about this because most people don’t check the best before or expiry dates when buying food.

 Morkel is upset and states “Selling a product for 20% less instead of getting rid doesn’t make it right. It worries me because I know how sick you can be from cured meat, it can mess you up. And that is why I came forward; people could get seriously ill.”

 Shoprite said food safety and the health of their customers is of utmost importance to the supermarket chain. And kindly asked customers who are dissatisfied to return the expired item.

Done by: Shaneca Cupido

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