Friday, October 21, 2005

Armed robbery in Woodstock

By Nadia Samie

An armed robbery occurred outside the Woodstock Day Hospital in Mouintain Road, Woodstock on Thursday afternoon. One of the robbers was allegedly shot by a hospital security guard. A woman, Faieza Wyngaard, and her nineteen-year-old daughter Fatima, were held up at gunpoint by two robbers after they withdrew ten thousand rand from the Absa bank in Victoria Road. The incident occurred at around 1pm. Wyngaard spoke to Bush Radio, at Woodstock Day hospital, where she works. She says that she suspects the teller who gave her the money may be in on the robbery, as he had made her wait for an unreasonably long time once she had requested the cash. She also alleges that the robber knew exactly where on her body the money was. Although Woodstock police had arrived on the scene, they waited for a full hour to interview Wyngaard.

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