Sunday, December 08, 2019

Make all the right noises this holiday season

The City of Cape Town has warned against noise disturbances as these may lead to fines and compliance notices served to those who do not abide this holiday season.
Mayoral committee member for community services and health, Zahid Badroodien, explained that a fine won’t be immediately issued should the City get a noise complaint.
Badroodien added that the responsible person(s) would be issued with a compliance notice. Should they not comply, further action such as issuing of a fine, would be taken.
The City said it usually sees an increase in the number of complaints during the Summer season as people tend to turn up their volume.
Furthermore, the City has urged residents to keep the volume on their various devices at a minimum, whereby the sound won’t be heard from the streets. It also encouraged citizens to keep the bass level as low as possible.

Done By: Mitchum George

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