Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Cape Town music director granted R1000 bail

A Cape Town musician appeared in the Blue Downs Magistrate’s Court on Monday after a 21-year-old laid a charge of rape and sexual assault. The complainant said the sexual assault first happened when he was 14-years-old.

The musician spent the weekend behind bars after he was taken into custody by Kuils River detectives on Friday.

Court proceedings were delayed after an application by two media houses were brought forward to film and photograph the accused. The magistrate granted the application, but said that the man’s identity should not be published until he has pleaded.

The accused’s lawyer read out a statement, written by the accused, saying that he was a director at a music institute that earns R17 000, but can only afford R1 000 bail as he has other expenses to pay such as a bond, a car instalment and school fees.

As part of the 48-year-old man’s bail application, he is not allowed to be in Kuilsriver or make contact with any of the witnesses.

The case was been postponed until 30 October 2020.


Done By: Mitchum George

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