Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Cape Town dam levels over 98% full

Cape Town dam levels have increased by 2.2%, now at 98.2% full.

The Theewaterkloof dam’s levels, which supplies the City of Cape Town, have increased by 2.5%, from 95.6% to 98.1%.

The Berg Rivier’s & Streenbras Lower dams are all over 100% full. Levels. The Steenbras Upper dam is nearing full capacity at 99.4%. The Bulshoek Dam in the West Coast is the only dam increased by over 5%.

Water consumption for the week increase from last week’s 647 million litres to 666 million litres per day.

Water tariffsin the City of Cape Town are currently on level 1. No word, as yet, on when the water restrictions will be lifted.

Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) National Spokesperson, Sputnik Ratau, says unlike the inland areas which are experiencing low water levels, the Western Cape Province have been blessed with good rains this season.

“We are however mindful that Western Cape receives mostly winter rainfall and we are almost drawing closer to the end of the hydrological cycle” says Ratau.

‘’There is an anticipated increase in water use by industry and other sectors as the COVID 19 risk-adjusted strategy has been lowered to alert level 1. This is mainly because the economy is opening further following hard lockdown,’’ Ratau added.


Done By: Mitchum George

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