Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Two EMS officials attacked in Khayelitsha

The Western Cape Government Health's Emergency Medical Services  (EMS) responded to 4 930 incidents in the province over the weekend. There were 124 incidents in red zone areas and 164 transport-related incidents.

Red zone areas are areas where ambulance crews are not allowed to enter without a police escort. Most red zone area incidents occurred in Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain.

A male and female EMS official were attacked at 11a.m on Monday. The incident occurred in Site C, Khayelitsha, in Mew Way road, while the crew were on their way to pick up patients from Khayelitsha (Site B) Community Health Clinic.

Three young, male suspects flagged the vehicle down and gun pointed the officials. Two of the suspects stood in front of the driver and passenger sides of the vehicle and one suspect stood in front of the windscreen with a gun and began to threaten the officials. The suspects demanded that the officials hand them their wallets and cellphones. The male official, who was the driver of the vehicle, began to plead for his wallet after the officials handed it over to the suspects.

‘’He begged the suspects to take the cash from his wallet and leave his wallet and identification document behind. He had withdrawn cash from the ATM not long before the incident occurred. One of the suspects proceeded to slap the male official in his face, threw his wallet in the road and they all fled from the scene. The incident was reported to the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the EMS officials are currently being counselled and will be sent home and provided with time off from work. The area which the incident occurred in has been declared a temporary red zone area,’’ says Western Cape Health’s Communication Officer, Deanna Bessick

The Western Cape Government of Health condemned the high frequency of attacks that has been occurring.

EMS Director, Dr Shaheem de Vries, has called on the community to help protect and support the EMS officials

“We are urging the public to protect and support EMS officials. It is the most vulnerable who are the most affected by these attacks. We are calling on the community to work closely with us to eradicate this criminal behaviour. Should anyone have any information on any attacks, it should be reported to the nearest SAPS.”


Done By: Mitchum George

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