Thursday, December 31, 2020

Western Cape records highest COVID-19 infections within SAPS

Deputy Police Minister, Cassel Mathale has tested positive for COVID-19. Mathale results came back on Wednesday, and is currently asymptomatic and is self-isolating.

Mathale is one of 21 294 employees of the South African Police Service who have been infected with the Corona virus.

The Western Cape has recorded the highest infections in the SAPS sector with 3 587, followed by Gauteng with 3 436, Eastern Cape 2 968, KwaZulu-Natal 2 632, Free State 1 285, Northern Cape 941, and 856 police staff in North West have been infected with COVID-19.

The Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces have recorded the lowest infections at 724 and 595 respectively.

In a statement, SAPS said that 336 members of the service have lost their lives to the coronavirus, while 337 are recovering in hospital.

Police Minister, Bheki Cele has wished Deputy Minister Mathale and all the members of the SAPS a speedy recovery.

“I’m also sending the deepest condolences to all the members in blue who have succumbed to this killer virus, I hope these infections and deaths don’t deter the remainder of the police service in forging ahead with the job at hand. However, I remain encouraged that 19 618 of us have recovered from COVID-19” Cele concluded.


Done By: Mitchum George

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