Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mandela Day inspires Mitchell’s Plain learners

By Michelle Avenant
19 July 2011

Mandela Day has inspired Cape Town residents to take initiative in revamping their schools.

Parents and learners at Beacon Hill High School in Mitchell’s Plain were joined by ANC member Trevor Manuel on Monday as they re-painted classrooms and extended the school’s vegetable garden.

Manuel later told a local newspaper that he was impressed by the students’ desire to celebrate Mandela’s birthday in true Madiba spirit.

He encouraged the learners to get their communities involved in further cleaning up their schools.

Come Saturday, the learners at Beacon Hill will be painting the school’s roof and removing the last of the graffiti from its walls.

The Representative Council of Learners has declared 2011 to be Nelson Mandela Year for Beacon Hill High School.

In 2012, Nelson Mandela Year will be declared elsewhere and it will be another school’s turn to be rejuvenated.

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