Saturday, April 04, 2020

Dunoon tavern slapped with hefty fine for selling liquor during nationwide lockdown

A tavern's decision to keep selling alcohol, despite it being barred for the nation-wide lockdown, cost it more than half a million rand, yesterday.
The liquor was confiscated in Dunoon, Cape Town, after two men selling alcohol from a car led them to the tavern.
Metro police spokesperson, Ruth Solomons, said that at around 14:30, metro police were tipped off about alcohol being sold from a vehicle in the area.
''Officers soon found the Hyundai Getz and after a short pursuit, cornered the vehicle and arrested two men for failing to remain confined being as per the lockdown regulations.”
Solomons says during questioning, the men gave officers the address of the tavern, and they found a customer buying alcohol from a side door.
''Inside, officers found three individuals who were arrested for selling prohibited goods.''
She added that they also confiscated liquor, two fridges and just over R35 000 in cash.
The suspects were all detained at Milnerton police station.

Done By: Mitchum George

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