Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation introduces new action plan to improve service for all

Imogen Vollenhoven
21 November 2012

The Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation today informed the media on what the department has and will be doing in the future to enhance all departments including improving all sectors in and around the public and private sectors.

There will also be an improvement agreement with all Ministers from all provinces to enhance all service received by the public.

One of the improvement plans are the significant levels of poverty, joblessness and inequality persisted despite massive increase in expenditure since 1994, mainly they include the inadequate attention to the achievement of outcomes and impacts in the key priority areas.

Key performance indicators in areas such as education and health had generally not improved in line with increases in expenditure.

Outcomes approach to address these weaknesses and also to help increase the strategic focus of government.

More efficient and effective use of limited resources through systematic monitoring and evaluation on all levels and all departments.

Introducing whole of government planning linked to key outcomes, clearly linking inputs and activities to outputs and the outcomes
Implementing the constitutional imperative for cooperative governance by negotiating inter departmental and inter governmental delivery agreements for the outcomes.

All this will enhance service delivery in all aspects so that the service received by ordinary people will serve to please on all levels.

Other aspects include a call center, where the public can call and ask for help on most to all problems pertaining to service delivery.

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