Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Outrage at pornographic Cape Town facebook page

Lusanda Bill
13 March 2013

A Facebook page titled “Exposing Young Cape Town Girls” has caused outrage.  The page shows graphic pictures of young girls and woman naked and in disturbing positions.

Activists Network against the Exploitation of Children, Anti Child Labour Programme Coordinator, Doreen Gaura said they are shocked and disturbed by the pictures.

Gaura said it is worrying that social networking platforms do not have any kind of restrictions and safeguards around these issues.

Some of the images found on the page*
According to the Facebook Community Standards page; “Facebook has a strict policy against the sharing of pornographic content and any explicitly sexual content where a minor is involved. We also impose limitations on the display of nudity”.

Media and Communications Officer Gaone Dixon of the Southern African Counter Trafficking Assistant Programme said “we find the page very unacceptable and advise that sexual exploitation of children should be referred to the relevant law enforcement agencies as it can be used to facilitate crimes against children”.

Some of the comments left on the Facebook page

Film and Publication Board Spokesperson Prince Mlimandlela Ndamase said “the distribution of pornography is illegal in South Africa and as the FPB we will be following up on this matter and ensure necessary steps are taken.

Ndamase added that people should refrain from visiting pornographic sites because creation and possession of pornography is illegal and prosecutable. 

* Due to the graphic nature of the Facebook page the pictures have been edited*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Saw this page... its shameful that within 18 hours it had over a 1500 likes... makes me sick.

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