Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Late enrolment of learners a concern in the Western Cape

Oscar Thomas
20 January 2015

The African Christian Democratic Party in the Western Cape said it is concerned by the increase in late enrolments between Grade 1 and 8 in the province. 

ADCP Provincial Leader Ferlon Christians said it is concerning that some pupils will not be able to attend school due to schools having reached its capacity. 

Christians said we know that this is a problem because of the late enrolment of pupils. We are urging parents to please get in contact with the district officers so that arrangements can be made to have their children placed as soon as possible.

Meanwhile the Western Cape Department of Education Ministerial Spokesperson Jessica Shelver says every year the department receives a number of late enrolments.

She said this is caused by parents relocating to the province or parents have neglected their responsibilities of enrolling their children on time.

Shelver said The Western Cape Department of Education has officials that are working full time with schools and parents to place late comers the WCED introduced the school admission management system last year.

Shelver said this has assisted with providing clear data in indicating which schools are full and schools which still have space.

Shelver said Parents who are having difficulties enrolling their child or who gave failed to enrol their child they are advised to approach the nearest school as there could be enrolment cancelations after the school holidays.

“Alternatively we suggest that parents and guardians approach the local district office for assistance on finding a place when schools re-open” Shelver added.

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