Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The ANC is less committed to building South Africa, says COPE

Chumani Simelela

27 January 2016

The Congress of the People is strongly arguing the statement made by the ANC, that OUTA is representing and defending only those who are white and rich, saying ‘’it defies logic’’. Dennis Bloem, COPE’s spokes-person said that even the members of the ANC campaign against them. 

They believe (COPE) that the ANC should show some boldness and put up the e-tolling as the lead item on its manifesto since nearing logal government elections.

Dennis Bloem said….‘’The Congress of the People, wants to condemn with the strongest possible terms, the unwarranted attack by the ANC MP’s on outa. This is totally unacceptable’’. ‘’

‘’There is no way that these people, can claim. The ANC can claim, that outa stands for only the rich and not the poor. That is totally not true’’.

‘’They are claiming that outa have now changed their stand, on e-tolls. But that is lies because outa is still standing firm on their stand point.

He concluded and said..."We want to make it clear, as the cope that we are supporting outa in this campaign like the SACP and Cosatu the alliance partners of the ANC, are also part and parcel of this campaign against the e-tolls of the ANC’’.

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