Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Desai to appeal to Chief Justice Langa regarding spat with Hlophe

Judge Siraj Desai says he intends approaching Chief Justice Pius Langa in writing on Monday to intervene in the spat between himself and Judge-President John Hlophe. Judge Hlophe accused Desai in a press statement of trying to discredit him and of using tactics against him. Desai says he had no prior knowledge of Hlophe's complaints and was unaware the judge-president harboured such sentiments about him. Hlophe's statement concerned his relationship with the Oasis Crescent Retirement Fund, which he granted permission to sue Desai for defamation. In his statement, Hlophe reportedly admitted receiving what he termed "out of pocket" expense payments from Oasis Group Holdings between 2000 and 2005.

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