Monday, March 16, 2009

SAPS perform crime prevention operations at the weekend

By Cindy Witten
16 March 2009

The South African Police (SAPS) conducted crime prevention operations in all the 27 policing clusters in the province at the weekend.

Police say that the main purpose for these operations is to strengthen policing across the province in the run to the National and Provincial Elections.
“The operations amongst others have focus on the strengthening of sector policing in terms of capacity and deployment, high visible policing patrols in identified areas of concern, road blocks, vehicle check points and the searching of persons, vehicles and premises,” said Police spokesperson Inspector Bernadine Steyn.

“The various clusters commanders were responsible to identify and focus on the areas of concern within their policing precincts,” she said.

According to police, more than 2700 people were searched during the operation. 261 arrests were made for various crimes including murder, possession of drugs and robbery while illegal substances such as tik and dagga were seized. 27 arrests were made for outstanding warrants. Fines amounting to over R94 000 were issued.

Steyn says that similar policing cluster operations will continue.

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