Wednesday, March 09, 2011

National Intelligence Agency denies tapping Zille's calls

By Khanyisa Tabata
09 March 2011

The National Intelligence Agency denies that it is monitoring Western Cape premier Helen Zille's telephone calls.

Zille has called for a meeting with the National Intelligence Agency over suspicions that her phone lines are being tapped.

Several years ago Zille claimed that her conversations were being recorded.

Intelligence Minister at the time, Ronnie Kasrils, was unable to give his assurance that Zille’s phone line wasn’t being monitored by the NIA.

State security ministry spokesman Brian Dube says they are very saddened by such claims coming from her given that their Western Cape office works very closely with her office, providing intelligence products to support the work of government.

He said Zille was concerned about the same thing in 2009 when she was assured by NIA senior management that she was not being monitored.

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