Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Activists ask for marking leniency


Education Activists has asked the Basic Education examination markers to be more lenient when marking the grade 12’s matric exam scripts this year.

 Hendrick Makeneta, education activist, said that this year has been an extremely difficult year for students as their education literally came to a standstill due to the covid-19 lockdown. “It is for this reason that activists within the terrain of education call on the department to do the right thing by being lenient to our learners in matric as they mark their scripts.”, said Hendrick.

 According to Hendrick, the grade 12 scripts was set up long before covid-19 started, therefore there was need to alter the papers in light of our current situation. “We cannot expect to function normally under abnormal conditions of Covid-19. The learners cannot be punished for something that was not created by them.”

However, Faiq Salie, principle at Mitchells Plain High and ex matric marker, disagrees with this statement. He does not think lenient marking is the answer as the matric marking is already lenient to begin with. He thinks that a true reflection of the marks will help them understand the impact of covid-19 and how to move forward into 2021.

 Faiq said that leniency in marking would make the students think that mediocrity is okay when facing hardships. However, he does think that universities could look into induction strategies for student who attained good results and accept them for they course they registered for. 

By Danielle Mentoor

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