Monday, November 23, 2020

A trip gone wrong for 52 year old Durban woman


While at Kloof Gorge Waterfall in Durban a woman fell down four meters onto rocks. She was reported to have sustained serious injuries after she had lost her footing and fallen to the rocks below.

The incident took place Sunday 22 November and it was reported at 10:24 whereby the paramedics quickly responded. Shawn Herbst a 911 Netcare spokesman stated that the 52 year old woman was treated on the scene by Netcare emergency care practitioner. The team took a long hike where the woman had fallen, she was airlifted to a hospital. Herbst stated that the woman was carried down using a specialized stretcher. It took the team up to four hours to get her to an agreed time and place where she was loaded into a Netcare helicopter.


The rescue team used a rope-rescue system to go down a steep hill then flown to a specialized facility.

Done by Amber Collins

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