Tuesday, May 16, 2006

ANC’s Women’s League welcomes decision on Zuma

The African National Congress Women's League has joined many other political organisations that have welcomed the resolution of the ANC National Executive Committee to accept the request by the ANC deputy president, Jacob Zuma, to resume his duties. The League says in a statement it believes the decision demonstrates that the organisation is united in its fight for a better life for all. Of importance was the resolution of the NEC to condemn unruly behaviour by some people during Zuma’s trial. The League says it remains opposed to women abuse regardless of the alleged perpetrator. MeanwhileThe Congress of South African Trade Unions has made an announcement that they also welcome Jacob Zuma’s reinstatement as deputy president of the ANC. COSATU spokesperson, Patrick Craven, says that they will keep monitoring the progress of Zuma’s upcoming corruption trial that is set for July 31st

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