Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Police members investigated for armed robbery

By Ofentse Mokae
26 August 2009

Six police members are being investigated for armed robbery and kidnapping.

It is alleged that four police members-dressed in uniform and two others dressed in private clothing, entered a shop at the corner of Burns and Albert roads, in Salt River late Monday evening, claiming they were looking for drugs.

Woodstock police spokesperson sergeant Hilton Malila says the police members raided the shop and took some stock.

“The police members went behind the counter and removed the following items: boxes of cigarettes, air time vouchers with a total value of about R14 200-00,” said Malila.

Malila says after they assaulted the owner they took him and his assistant, seated them in one of the police vehicles, and drove to Langa where they left them.

Malila could not confirm where the police members, who are still at large, were stationed as the case is under investigation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i googled this to learn more about it... and this article is found nowhere else... the names and other phrases were used in previous articles...

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