Monday, November 25, 2024

Man arrested on Robert Sobukwe Road for R4.5m drugs

Western Cape police arrested a 44-year-old man over the weekend after he was caught with about R4.5 million worth of drugs

Police spokesperson, Malcolm Pojie, said officers arrested the suspect on Robert Sobukwe Road.

‘’The members who were performing crime combatting patrols in the gang ridden area of Belhar and Ravensmead responded to the intelligence received and spotted the suspicious vehicle travelling on Robert Sobukwe Road, gave chase and pulled the car off the road. Upon inspecting the vehicle, the members discovered two bags wrapped in bubble wrap and a sealed box for which the driver could not give account for,’’ said Lt Col Malcolm Pojie, Western Cape police spokesperson.

‘’As a result, the driver and vehicle was  escorted to Ravensmead SAPS where a thorough search of the car and packages were conducted during which it was established that the packages contained 38 plastic bags with 1000 mandrax tablets each as well as 30 plastic bags with uncut cocaine with an estimated value of R4.5 million,’’ he added.


The suspect was arrested for dealing in drugs and detained pending further investigation.


Done By: Elona Sibunzi

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