Friday, November 28, 2008

Cape clinics have been accredited to international standards

By Yamkela Xhaso
28 November

In partnership with Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (Cohsasa) the city off Cape Town have been involved in a process of accrediting its clinics.

This process has led to the accreditation of 16 Clinics around the City of Cape Town. (Cohsasa) Communications Manager Marilyn Keegan said these clinics are accredited to international standards.

“For Cape Town clinics to meet this standard is really an amazing achievement”

Keegan added that the city of Cape Town has kept going and going and has never given up. It has been improving health all the, and things do go wrong which sometime one has to take some time to wait because there is sometimes no medicine sometimes no doctors.

But Keegan said those clinics work with very sound process, very good system and “outcomes one can expect are much better”

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