Thursday, October 31, 2019

Overview of Mid-term Budget Policy Statement

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivered his medium-term budget statement in parliament below is the economic overview.

F Economic growth is now projected at 0.5%
F Revenue have been sharply reduced
F Spending pressures continue to build up, compelled by the public service wage bill and state owned companies are in trouble
F Public finances have gotten worse since 2019 budget because of lower growth, tax revenue and an increase in support to state owned companies.
F The 2019 Mid-term budget policy statement (MTBPS) proposed an approach over the medium term that if implemented will restore the momentum of economic growth and calm the public finances
F Over the next three years, merged spending will total R6,3 trillion, with 48 cents of this amount going towards social grants, education and health.
F Revenue shortfalls and rising spending pressures are threatening government’s ability to maintain existing levels of service provision and infrastructure investment.
F The fused budget delict averages 6, 2% of GDP over the next 3 years. Debt and debt service costs will continue to increase, with the debt to GDP ratio now estimated at 71.3 per cent in 2022/23
F Tax measures will also be considered
F Government is providing medium term support to Eskom to secure energy supply and to honor the states contractual agreements.
F The National treasury , in partnership with the department of public enterprises, is instituting a series of measures to bring discipline to the department of finance and step up the timeline for restructuring
F Debt relief for Eskom will only be considered once operational efficiencies have been achieved.
F Interventions to improve the quality of infrastructure , planning is beginning to show some results
F Further measures to reduce wasteful expenditure, including limiting claims against the state will be implemented in the coming year.

No wage increase
According to #Timeslive , Mboweni told the parliament that senior government officials won’t get a pay raise for the foreseeable future adding to say these measure are to reduce the public sector wage bill, and Cabinet, premiers and MEC’S salaries will remain the same, and all domestic travel will be on economy class tickets.

E-tolls not going anywhere
Times live reported saying the e-toll system would remain in its current form, he said the decision was taken after consulting key players in the transport sector. Clearly saying that the needs to build a culture of payment, government services can be sustained. Adding to say people must appreciate the services provided to them, and just like they go to retail store to buy bread they should pay for the use of service.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Stroke Week: Campaigns get to the heart of the matter

South Africa has seen an exponential improvement in hypertension over the span of late years and a nonappearance of care around cardio-vascular contamination (CVD) realizes people being unfamiliar and untreated until it is past the final turning point.

To check National Stroke Week, there are different campaigns gone for individuals when all is said in done and made arrangements for diminishing the threat of coronary sickness and stroke. Campaigners, for instance, the Heart and Stroke Foundation South Africa (HSFSA) believe in planning people to act as of now to live progressively, better, heart-strong lives. Pamela Naidoo, the CEO of the HSFSA, expressed: "The public should realize that grasping strong practices is indispensable to the evasion of coronary sickness and strokes. It is basic to understand your circulatory strain measure, eat nutritious sustenance, partake in physical development, avoid outrageous alcohol use and quit tobacco smoking."

Reliably, the HSFSA, the Department of Health and various get-togethers will work to drive stroke thoughtfulness regarding empower people from general society to see and respond appropriately in a stroke emergency. The HSFSA says that for each minute a stroke goes untreated, an individual loses about 1.9million neurons. Having the choice to see stroke reactions quickly and embarking to your nearest emergency crisis center is basic. If you understand how to spot stroke reactions, you can get help speedier, which can save a genuine presence and diminish failure.

Utilize the FAST abbreviation to perceive the indications of stroke:
•        Face: Smile and check whether one side of the face hangs.
•        Arm: Raise the two arms. Does one arm float down?
•        Speech: Repeat any sentence. Is there issue talking or comprehension?
Time: Think quickly. Every minute counts in accessing care
By: Ellouise Muller

A woman killed by her husband together with her daughters. Family fights for the right to bury them.

Sithembile Nothembela murdered his wife and 2 daughters, according to the police. Pumla Mvinjelwa’s family filled a crucial application to the high court to bury their daughter and grandchildren. Monday there was a discussion between the legal representative of the family and judge Elizabeth Baartman and all partied involved were told to return today to file replying affidavits. The Mvinjelwa family said that even if Ntombola paid lobola, it was his family’s right to bury their daughter and her children when he murdered them; with that said Ntombela family requested that in terms of cultural law and lobola, their son had paid, they were entitled to bury their son, his wife and the two grandchildren. From the time when the incident happened the bodies have been kept at the Mortuary. A strike outside the court was commenced by the Mvinjelwa family.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Lawyers for anti-abortion doctor slam ‘vague’ charges

On Monday, at the Health Professions Council of SA's(HPCSA) disciplinary request against De Vos it developed that. The attorneys for hostile to abortionist Dr Jacques de Vos have named the charges by the Health Professions Council of SA as "unclear" and the postponement of right around three years in charging him "unnecessary".
De Vos, 32, spoke to free by law office De Wet Wepener Attorneys and senior guidance Keith Matthee, arrived in high temp water for supposedly deterring a pregnant lady from ending her pregnancy and comparing it to the "executing of a person".

De Vos was accused of, among others, complementing his own or strict convictions over the patient's privileges and for coming up short/fail to stay target when pushing the utilization of contraceptives. He could conceivably be endorsed with a notice, a fine, suspension, or have his enlistment with the HPCSA ended.

Matthee contended that the charges were unclear and the postponement of just about three years was unnecessary. He said the disciplinary was being utilized against De Vos to prevent him from rehearsing as a specialist as 2 Military Hospital's pediatrics obstetrics and gynecology offices wouldn't approve the disciplinary procedure, refering to moral reasons. HPCSA proforma complainant Zolile Gajana submitted to the panel that all pertinent documentation was given to the lawyers and that the procedure was gotten under way in May a year ago.

Gajana said the HPCSA didn't suspend De Vos; it was deliberate as he was as yet required to finish an obligatory period with the obstetrics and gynecology division to proceed onward to his locale administration. The disciplinary board of trustees needed to concentrate on the value of the charges as the onus was on De Vos to demonstrate his lead was not unbecoming of a specialist since he could go to another gathering on the off chance that he believed he had been dealt with unjustifiably.

Contentions are set to proceed with today.

Neighbourhood watches increases the reach of the City’s policing services.

Neighbourhood watches increases the reach of the City’s policing services.

Neighbourhood watches works hand in hand with the South African Police Services and South African National Defence Force to help curb violence in our streets. They have also become the eyes and ears therefore the City has increased its policing services through neighbourhood watches.

 Mayco member for Safety and Security Directorate said the City has made nearly R3 million available to support neighbourhood watches, with the budget including equipment, training and support.

In some recent reports the Western Cape Community Safety MEC Albert Fritz called on SAPS to work more closely with the local Neighbourhood Watch structures, following a series of attacks aimed at neighbourhood watches. In Delft, a group of men tried to attack one of the neighbourhood watch member, and stoned his home. In Gugulethu a member was shot while patrolling, in another incident a member of the Lentegeur neighbourhood watch was arrested while patrolling near a suspected merchants home with a similar incident reported in the Tafelsig Base Camp area.

Therefore Mayco member for Safety and Security Directorate said “they are committed to helping neighbourhood watches become functional, accountable and capable partners in the fight against crime.”

Please listen to the interview with Programme Director and Programme Manager of Neighbourhood Watches at Bush Radio 89.5FM, on the Community Safety show regarding neighbourhood watches below.

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi
News Editor

Mother's request to cover child burial killed in crash involving police

A Mfuleni mother has given an urgent request for help with burring  her son executed in a mishap including police when they were pursuing presumed robbers. 

IOL News reports Francois Lottering, 26, was cleaning the yard when the police vehicle in a rapid pursue wrecked him in Mfuleni, Extension 4 prior this month.

Lottering was proclaimed dead on the scene and police guard dog, the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) has propelled an examination concerning his demise. As per Lottering's jobless mother Caroline Lottering, Francois was the provider in his home. She said after the occurrence, she went to the police to request help to cover Lotterings funeral, however was advised to pay the burial service expenses and keep the receipts to present a case to the SAPS after the funeral service.

SAPS Western Cape Media Centre Representative Mihlali Majikela   said the case is being investigated.

By: Namhla Monakali

Monday, October 28, 2019

A child went missing in Philippi East; Police ask for assistance.

The South African Police Service at home, kid insurance, and sexual offenses unit in Nyanga in Cape Town has requested help from the general population to follow four-year-old Lulonke Saleni, who disappeared close to his home this previous week. Lulonke was most recently seen by his mom in the Mangawungu casual settlement, Philippi East, at about 12.30pm on Thursday, October 24, when he was playing with a companion, Captain FC van Wyk said on Sunday. Anyone who can give assistance with the whereabouts, or who can provide information that will secure his safe return, is kindly requested to contact the investigating officer Detective Sergeant Piti on 021-376-9850 or 073-734-9456, Pink Ladies on 072-214-7439, or Crime Stop on 086-00-10111.

Blog by:Fikile Kalimashe


A proposal has been put forward to the City Bowl and surrounding areas to improve trading stands within the CBD. City Bowl DA councillor, Dave Bryant, said that this proposal has been in the works for quite some time. In the motion it stated that there was a high number of trading stands that were in a bad condition and presented significant challenges for traders in getting them set up and packed away. It also stated that many of the trading stands were messy and that this affected the overall look and feel of trading areas which could negatively affect trade. Bryant said that the proposed new design will be circulated in due course to the traders and the local sub-council for input. Bryant has proposed that the motion goes to the Urban Management and Economic Development and Tourism directorate for consideration.

Done By: Mitchum George

Government should honour Tmbo by deliveriing services , says Ramaphosa

Ramaphosa was speaking at the annual O.R Tambo gathering and Tamboville cemetery in Brakpan yesterday the celebration was also used to celebrate the struggle icons 102nd birthday.
Ramaphosa said Tambo’s wish was for all South Africans to benefit from the country, not only for the struggling multitude of South Africans  but for all colonized people of the world.
Gauteng Premier David Makhura was also present, and said the legacy of Tambo’s late wife, Adelaide, should not be ignored as she played a crucial role in the struggle against apartheid.
 “We will have to dedicate a day for Mama Adelaide Tambo, so that the story can be fully told, not on the birthday of OR Tambo” he added.
Makhura and Ramaphosa described Tambo as a true leader who won respect of the world through his personal conduct.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

President Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa pays tribute to the late struggle icon O.R Tambo for his 102nd birthday

Members of the ANC have come together at the Tamboville cemetery in Brakpan to mark the legacy of O.R. Tambo and his wife, Adelaide.
Today marks the 102nd birthday of the late former president of the ANC.
The legacy of ‘O.R’ is being celebrated at his grave site at the cemetery named after him.
Later in the day, President Cyril Ramaphosa will lay flowers at their graves and deliver a keynote address.

Boy (12) faces murder charge after shooting and killed young brother

A 12 year old boy allegedly shot and killed his 3 year old young brother Limpopo police have confirmed. The incident which took place in the Mankweng district in East Polokwane occurred on Saturday morning.

The gun which is said to be the suspect’s father was alleged left in a bag in one of the rooms in the house said Brigadier Motlafelo Mojapelo in a statement. It is said that the mother heard the gunshot on Saturday and went inside to investigate to find horror waiting for her and rushed the boy to the local clinic where he was declared dead on arrival.
The father a 53 year old former security officer was not at home when the incident occurred and had left his gun in a bag hung at a wall in his room. The gun is in the hands of the police for further investigation process.

Limpopo SAPS commissioner Lt Gen Nneke Ledwaba condemned the incident and said appropriate steps be taken against the father for keeping the firearm in contravention with the Firearms Control Act and the 12 year old boy should be dealt with accordance to the law

Saturday, October 26, 2019


Cape Town received a month’s worth of rainfall in a day as a cold front lingered over the city on Friday, boosting dam levels, but causing widespread flooding. The South African Weather Service measured 93 mm. of rainfall at Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden from midnight up until 2pm.
It was higher than the October average for neighbouring, Newlands, which usually receives an average of 84.8mm for the month, according to the City of Cape Town’s statistics. The Newlands Cricket Ground looked more like a lake than a field, and many roads were closed due to mudslides and flooding. Suburbs across the city also experienced power outages. Informal settlements reported several incidents of flooding in Khayelitsha, Mfuleni and Lwandle, according to the City’s Disaster Risk Management spokesperson, Charlotte Powell. In Langa, a blocked stormwater drain caused water to back up, flowing into five properties. More rain is expected for the Cape by tomorrow evening into Monday.

Done By: Mitchum George

Granny dies while trying to fix a ID bundle in The Western Cape

Struggling to get her ID number rectified by the department of Home Affairs, an old woman lived a life of poverty and hardship. 67-year-old Nontizana September has died. She passed away alone at a hospital in Brooklyn last week after she was reinjected with TB. according to her sister Monica, September She was in Khayelitsha District Hospital a few months ago, but the hospital had to refer her to a different facility to continue with her treatment. According to the ID she had, she was born in 1972. Nontizana September was born in Cape Town in 1956, she left for home in the Eastern Cape when she was six, she was given an ID number making her 20 years younger. She had that ID number for years and no one could help her.

#DepartmentofHomeAffairs   #IdentityDocuments #NontizanaSeptember #PassedAway @bushradionews @FikileKalimashe


Eskom says it does not anticipate implementing load shedding this weekend due to a stable power grid. This is despite a heatwave in Gauteng and a cold front in the Western Cape, The electricity supplier says repairs to the system have progressed since last week after implementing stage two load shedding. Eskom Spokesperson Dikatso Mothae urged residents to use electricity sparingly as temperatures are expected to reach a scorching 38 degrees in Gauteng and that any unforeseen power cuts in Cape Town are a result of the current floods he added  “Should you experience an outage please contact our call centre and report that. It would not be load shedding, it would be an isolated incident.”

Friday, October 25, 2019

Police ask for help in finding Eerste River teens' murder suspects

Police have appealed to the public for help in discovering suspects who slaughtered four adolescents and injured two others in Eerste River. Instances of homicide and endeavored murder are being explored.

It's hazy with regards to the thought process of the assault, with network policing discussion representative Julian Unthank saying it could either be pack related or an occasion of mixed up personality. Three of the young people were announced dead on the scene and two were taken to emergency clinic. The fourth passed on in emergency clinic the next day.

"The occurrence occurred on Friday evening at about 9.35pm close to a recreation center in Mars Street, Somerset Heights, in Kleinvlei. Five guys, matured from 18 and 25, were remaining by a white VW Polo Vivo.

By: Ellouise Muller

Eskom’s electricity system improves after last week's supply constraint

South Africa's primary power supplier Eskom said on Friday its framework had gained huge ground towards full recuperation after serious stockpile requirements a week ago. The state-claimed utility executed rotational power outages a week ago to abstain from stumbling the national framework, which it said had gone under weight because of the disappointment of some creating units.

On Monday President Cyril Ramaphosa said the expense of the power blackouts was huge and would make potential financial specialists uneasy at a time South Africa was attempting to pull in progressively local and remote capital. On Friday Eskom said significant levels of spontaneous breakdowns surpassing 10 500 MW had constrained it to execute load-shedding until Saturday.

"While the producing plant execution has improved, the plant keeps on staying defenseless and any surprising shift, for example, an expansion in impromptu breakdowns could bring about burden shedding at short notice," it warned. "Recovery groups keep on endeavoring to return units and improve age and operational execution to further settle the power framework."

By: Ellouise Muller

Missing Herolds Bay boy's body recovered as search for mom, sister continues

The body of a two-year-old Herolds Bay child who disappeared with his mom and sister has been recuperated, Southern Cape police affirmed on Wednesday evening.

Heidi Scheepers, 35, lived near the Voëlklip sea shore where she, her six-year-old little girl Cuzette and two-year-old child Hugo disappeared in the wake of taking a stroll on the sea shore at about 6pm on Tuesday. Her better half, Ettienne Scheepers, alarmed the specialists when they neglected to come all the way back after an outing to the sea shore in Herolds Bay. 

Scheepers had headed to the sea shore in a charcoal VW Caravelle TDI minibus, with the enrollment CAW66036. Portions of a vehicle were found at the base of a precipice close to the hazardous cookout spot at Voëlklip however police said they were not able recoup the vehicle because of harsh ocean conditions.

Southern Cape police representative Captain Malcolm Pojie affirmed the recuperation of Hugo's body on Thursday. Pojie said endeavors to recuperate the collections of Scheepers and her little girl proceed.

By: Ellouise Muller

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Baby born without a face.

A medical Doctor is suspended by the Portuguese Medical Council for failing to detect the malformations of a baby whose faceless birth shocked the country. He was suspended on Tuesday by the Discipline Council of the College of Physicians for six months. His been previously been the subject of six other complaints, reported. open an investigation after the birth had made headlines. An investigation was opened by The Justice Department following a complaint which was filed by the parents of the baby. Given the impact of this case, which "has repercussions on the reputation of doctors" and "to reassure pregnant women", Lourenco said the suspension was necessary to evaluate the complaints.  following the pregnancy of little Rodrigo's mother in a private clinic in Setubal, where he made three compulsory ultrasounds without any problem Dr Artur Caravalho also added.

#BabyBornWithoutFace #MedicalDoctor #Portuguese

Blog by: Fkile Kalimashe

Follow up: 39 people found dead in truck in England were Chinese

The 39 people found dead in the back of a truck in London are believed to be Chinese nationals, police said  today , as they questioned the  the  25-year-old truck driver from Northern Ireland  detained on suspicion of homicide.
Paramedics and police found the 31 men and eight women's bodies on Yesterday in a truck container.
Essex police said their priority was ensuring dignity for the victims during their inquiry and each of the 39 people must undergo a full  process to find a cause of death . According to IOL news police added in a statement, saying that it would be a time-consuming operation and  might not have all the answers straight away.
The truck has now been moved to a secure site where forensic work can take place.
The National Crime Agency,  said it was helping the investigation to identify any gangs potentially involved.
Shaun Sawyer, national spokesman for British police on human trafficking, said Britain is recognized of organised crime as a potentially easy target for traffickers, We have to accept that we have absorbent borders," he told BBC radio.

Matriculates Examination guide for Mathematic literacy paper 2

Department of basic education is helping out matriculates with past years’ papers to study for their final examination. The papers are made up of questions and answers. They are meant to give grade 12 learners an insight of might come out on their final exam. This is a supplementary guide and not meant to replace the guidelines provided by educators. Students must be aware of the point that, there may have some changes in subject curricula from last year to this. All learners using this past paper may consult their subject teachers if they have any queries related to the papers. The department of basic education has broken down guides per subject to make the studying easier for the Matriculates.

#DepartmentofBasicEducation #Matriculates #FinalExamination #MathematicalLiteracy #Paper2 #2019

Blog done by: Fikile Kalimashe

EFF Vs SANEF .Hails Equality court ruling

The EFF respected Today's  judgment where the Equality Court sitting in Pretoria rejected the SA National Editors' Forum application to block  party pioneer Julius Malema and the EFF from criticizing  journalists.
"Journalists who take sides utilizing journalism as a stage to seek propaganda , should never be viewed as journalists, They should be treated as having favored one side and never again acting in the expert interests of reporting" the party said in an statement. 
 Judge Daisy Molefe said their grumblings fell outside the extent of the Equality Act as Journalism was a picked career choice. In contrast to race or sex, as a profession decision can't be what characterizes one's association according to what is imagined by the Equality Act
She further commented  that the idea of journalists deserve special protection as a class of having a place with their picked calling, was prior dismissed by previous Constitutional Judge Edwin Cameron.

5 days of rain in Cape Town

Cape Town people have been geared to visit the beach it appears that winter is as yet anxious to show its face. South western parts of Cape Town will be experiencing wet, cold and windy weekend. Senior Forecaster for the Cape Town Weather Office, Henning Grobler confirmed. Rainy conditions are expected to hit Cape Town Friday morning until Tuesday. According to Grobler, the western mountainous and high lying areas will receive the most rainfall (30-40mm) and the low lying areas around 15-25mm. Saturday morning, there will be a break in the rain until Sunday morning. Sunday morning prefrontal rain is expected in Cape Town and a cold front Sunday afternoon. Grobler also mentioned that, cold air in circulation maximum temperatures may drop to 15-18 degrees by Monday and Tuesday and will start to recover by Wednesday." Cape Town People are already experiencing the cold weather and are circulating it on Social Media.

#CapeTown #Forecast #Weather #Rain

Blog done by:Fikile Kalimashe

39 Bodies found in a Lorry Container in England

Police in South of England stated Emergency Services in  England recovered 39 bodies early Wednesday in a truck, to which is believed  came  from Bulgaria.
The bodies were pronounced  dead on the scene, Police said that the bodies were 38 grown-ups and one teenager . The 25 year  old truck driver has been arrested  for the suspicion of murder.
Essex Police Chief Superintendent Andrew Mariner said in a statement, that they in are in the process of investigating and identifying the victims, however  anticipates that the process could be long.

S.A and Russia strengthen ties

S.A and Russia strengthen ties
On Wednesday Russia landed two nuclear-capable bombers in South Africa on a training mission. The South African Defence Forces confirmed that the two Tupolev Tu-160 strategic bombers landed down at Waterkloof air force base in Tshwane and said that the mission is to strengthen ties between the two countries.
Speaking during the first Russia-Africa summit, Russian head of state Vladimir Putin called for a trade with African countries to double in the next few years and said the country’s capital had written off African debts to the sum of over US20billion.

“Many Russian companies have long and successfully worked with partners from the most different sectors of the African economy and plan to expand their influence in Africa, we will provide support at the state level” said Putin
Putin also accused former colonial countries in the west of blackmailing and intimidating African countries.

Meanwhile Russia’s state nuclear company Rosatom is in talks with the Ethiopian government to build a nuclear power station in the country.

Drug addict handed life in prison for killing his father

On Tuesday, in Johannesburg the High Court on Tuesday sentenced a man to life imprisonment and 51 additional years for his father's murder.

A drug addict, Brutus Mhlanga, offered three men his father's car and R150, 000 of his inheritance to help him carry out the crime. Brutus’s father was shot dead and his wife wounded in December 2017. Phindi Mjonondwane, the National Prosecuting Authority’s said: “The motive why he hired killers to murder his father was that his parents reprimanded him for using nyaope. The court came to the conclusion that it was a carefully planned and executed murder.”

His accomplices Hloniphani Ntombela, Ntsheula Caswell and Patrick Ziqubu were also handed life imprisonment. 

The police statement said on Tuesday: “Ntsheula was sentenced to life imprisonment plus 45 years, Ntombela to life imprisonment plus 51 years, Ziqubu to life imprisonment plus 63 years, whilst Mhlanga was sentenced to life imprisonment plus 51 years’’.

By: Ellouise Muller

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Lesufi to visit Kempton Park School where pupil attacked schoolmate

Gauteng education MEC Panyaza Lesufi is visiting Kempton Park School this Wednesday morning where a pupil was violently attacked by a schoolmate. Footage of the schoolmate violently attacking the pupil quickly went viral on social media showing the pupil getting punched , kicked then thrown to the tiled bathroom floor, its unclear when the incident took place.the departments steve mabona said: “ the MEC has already confirmed that he will be visiting the school” to understand what transpired there and what  necessary actions need to be taken so that they can find a solution to this in and around school because it has  been happening  on all over the country but the departments are acting against it teaching learners the importance of self-discipline  , hubs and sports clubs receiving equipment. Elijah mhlanga spokesperson for the department of basic education said the strategies required everyone to play part in making sure the policies and guidelines were effectively implemented.

Attempt to force journalist to reveal sources shows media freedom is under threat.

Retired police officer and Zondo Commision Investigator Frank Dutton is yet another significance that media freedom is still under attack. Dutton attempted to force an Independent media journalist to reveal private information. The financial sector sent investigators to the Sekunjalo offices to confiscate gadgets and communication devices in search for information related to share price manipulation. This is after the day Minister of Presidency Jackson Mthembu stated the government’s commitment to media freedom as the country celebrated the 42nd black Wednesday.
Media freedom forms an important cornerstone in a democratically society encouraged Mthembu, however cautioned that freedom comes with responsibility so media needs to self-reflect, and be careful about what they write about. National Editors Forum said as journalists their responsibility to tell the truth and their social licences to work depends on integrity and not on popularity.


Preparations for the newly built Hout Bay Valley clinic are underway. Western Cape Health Department spokesperson, Natalie Watlington, said that details of the services from the facility will be known at a later stage.

Watlington assured Hout Bay residents that the department is committed to bring healthcare services to the community and the surrounding areas.
Residents of Hout Bay were truculent after the Hangberg day hospital was closed down last month, following violent community protests that broke out in the area, resulting in staff members not gaining access to their place of work.

The Department of Health notified a Hout Bay community activist that a polyclinic would be built in the area offering both primary and specialist healthcare options.

Done By:
Mitchum George

Low number of applicants for 2020, NSFAS Launches outreach programs.

NSFAS administrator Dr Randall Corolissen is helping out communities by deploying agents in provinces with the applications for NSAFAS 2020.
50000 applicants have been received through the outreach programme.
Applications are now open for grade 9 – 12 learners and the youth who out of school who wish to further their studies can apply.
When processing the applications working class in the house hold will be considered.
NSFAS is working with home affairs and Social Development department to make sure the documentations submitted are valid.
Applicants who come from working class that who earn below R350 000 will be entitled to getting the funding. Applicants who have special needs and disabled will be the first priority.
NSFAS is committed to make sure that the universities and TVET colleges get funding to further their studies.
 NSFAS applications opened on the 1st September 2019, and closes on the 30th November 2019, midnight.

#NSFAS #Funding #2020

Blog done by : Fikile Kalimashe

10 African countries teamed up against the Ebola virus

Health ministers in ten countries surrounding the Democratic Republic of Congo held talks on Monday on how to fight the deadly Ebola virus. DRC health minister Eteni Longondo told AFP that they want to develop a framework cross boarder collaboration, cross boarder surveillance and boost data sharing among Central African Countries. The meeting was attended by representatives from Angola, Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, South Sudan, Uganda, Central African Republic and Zambia.

‘The strategy aims ensuring timely sharing of critical information for rapid response and control of the epidemic ‘said minister Eteni Lingolo. Since August 2018 the Ebola epidemic has claimed 2171 people according to the official figures and between 2014 and 2016 it claimed more than 11 300 lives in three Western African countries.
World Health Organisation declared the deadly epidemic remains a global ‘public emergency’.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Rape-accused Reiger Park man released

A man accused of raping a 2-year-old girl has been released from police custody, as prosecutors declined to put the case on the Boksburg Magistrate’s Court’s roll, on Monday morning. NPA spokesperson Phindi Mjonondwane said that there was not enough information gathered on the case for the court to formally proceed. The docket has since been returned to SAPS, with special instructions from the Prosecuting Authority.

According to Captain Mavela Masondo, the girl is believed to have been raped by her mother’s 34-year-old boyfriend on Tuesday after she was left alone with the man. The child’s mother had asked the man to take the child to the nanny. Masondo, however, said the man did not take her to the nanny and allegedly raped her. The girl was taken to a nearby hospital and that’s where doctors confirmed that she’d been raped. The man was arrested on Friday.

Done By

#ReigerPark #Bokburg

Two children have died in the Athlone fire that destroyed 300 shacks

Two children have died and 300 shacks were destroyed in a devastating fire in Vygieskraal informal settlement last night, the ANC Athlone parliamentary Constituency Office said. The MP for Athlone mentioned the unbearable and inhuman conditions in which people are living in informal settlements throughout the Western Cape, adding that after years the City of Cape Town fails to spend its budget allocation for housing. Jacobs said the MEC for Human Settlements, Mr Simmers, must be called to account for the loss of lives at Vygieskraal and called for communities in informal settlements to unite and demand their constitutional right to safe and adequate housing.

The displaced community was aided by Evangelical Lutheran Church of SA and Gift of the Givers and asks the public for donations that can help the people who have lost everything and drop it off at our Parliamentary Constituency Office at Ebfin Bldg 1 George Street Athlone. Above Pep Stores Athlone.

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi

Monday, October 21, 2019

Omotoso’s woes continue as jurisdiction appeal is dismissed

Omotoso’s woes continue as jurisdiction appeal is dismissed

Rape-accused Nigerian pastor Timothy Omotoso along with his cohorts Lusanda Sulani and Zukiswa Sitho, will be forced to petition to the Constitutional Court after their unsuccessful bid to have all international charges, brought against them, excluded from their trial. This bid came after Omotoso and the other accused raised questions of whether or not the Eastern Cape High Court in Port Elizabeth had the jurisdiction to deal with these charges. According to the defence, the High Court does not have the authority to hear all of the charges that pertain to this case because some of the criminal offences are believed to have happened outside of South Africa but as of Monday the 21st of October, the application for leave to appeal is dismissed.

The accused face 97 charges, among them rape, human trafficking and racketeering. #Omotoso #OmotosoTrial

Former Bishops teacher admitted to clinic as sex scandal inquiry heats up

The sexual scandal involving a former history teacher at a prestigious Cape Town involving two matric pupils is still continuing and a sexual misconduct inquiry has been opened. The inquiry was headed over by Graeme Dorrignton and senior attorney Francois Van Zyl which began on Friday. The sexual allegations came to light on October 11 and within the same day Fiona Viotti was fired from the school pending investigation.

During the investigation it came to light that the former history teacher Fiona Viotti had allegedly had sexual relationships with 4 other boys who were between the ages 17 to 18. Bishop headmaster Mr. Guy Pearson said “We have confirmed there have been several boys who have been affected over a number of years. This matter is under investigation by duly appointed attorneys and senior counsel”.

Fiona Viotti defence attorney said in a statement that, the allegations had taken a toll on his client’s health, and she has been admitted to a clinic during the weekend.\

By Chuma Matiwane

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Alcohol abuse linked to Gender-based violence in the Western Cape

Alcohol abuse linked to Gender-based violence in the Western Cape

An incontrovertible correlation between increased levels of violence, interpersonal and gender-based violence and the abuse of alcohol and other addictive substances in the province, statistics shows. According to Albert Frits, Western Cape Liquor Authority became the focus of a discussion at the standing committee where it was said that WCLA is the only public entity which reports to the department, during the year under review an amount of R42.7 million was transferred to the public, Frits said.

Frits mentioned that, “The overarching role of the WCLA is alcohol harm reduction by ensuring Liquor outlets are licensed.” With that being said, the partnership with the alcohol Harms Reduction Game Change and Western Cape Liquor Authority 3500 inspections at Liquor outlets were conducted and participated in 76 joint enforcement operations. A total of 112 fines were issued, the fine has been increased to up to R100 000.

Done By

Fikile Kalimashe

A paramedic’s nightmare

With enthusiasm men and women of the Cape in green reflective uniforms carry medical supplies. Grooving along to the music, with free spirits, they count the packs of gauze, fold fresh linen and stow them away. Until it is time for a 12 hour overnight shift terror creeps in.

 What if’s controlling their minds, laying their lives on the line to save lives just to be gun pointed in their faces again, be searched at knife point again and ambushed again. This is the life of medics on duty for Western Cape Health Department Emergency Services. At their service in different location.

“it is a red zone” meaning ambulances have been attacked there recently. “There are no patient in sight!” They make a U-turn and get out in a hurry suspicious of a set up.

This is the life of a paramedic in the cape.


Done By Namhla Monakali

Palestinian women up with the move

Palestinian women up with the move

There was jeering and cheering in the Palestinian streets as Dalia al-Darawish who is preparing for an exam to become one of the few qualified female Palestinian truck drivers told AFP that it shows that women can do anything. The 26 year old mother of two is among several Palestinian women pushing boundaries in the city of Hebron.

Meanwhile there have been protests in the West Bank area after a 21 year old woman was allegedly killed by her family members after posting an Instagram photo with fiancé to be. Cases like these are popular in Palestine and there is a high rate of unemployment in women for they quit their jobs to take care of their children.
The same is with Waface al-Adhami who couldn’t give up on her dream to become an artist. One of the women who is up of for the movement is 31 year old Asia Amer who set up women-only restaurant in Hebron. The Queen Restaurant is there to give women a space to feel at home and have their own freedom.

Done by
Thomas Cedrick

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

City Of Cape Town Limits Fireworks to the Athlone Stadium Parking Lot for Diwali

The City of Cape Town has availed the parking lot of the Athlone Stadium for Hindu residents who wish to discharge fireworks this Diwali.

The city said the site would be available next week Sunday. The decision was taken after Hindu residents expressed disappointment with the municipality's move last week to forego designated sites for fireworks during Diwali, Guy Fawkes and New Year's Eve. While many residents have praised the city's move to further restrict fireworks, others have been disappointed.

Especially Hindu residents, who said discharging fireworks was part of their culture while celebrating the five-day festival of lights, known as Diwali.

Mayco member JP Smith said to respect the Hindu cultural tradition, a site would be made available. Smith said groups were still able to apply for a firework permit, however, it would be too late for those celebrating Diwali next week.

By: Ellouise Muller

Heart and Stroke Foundation Concerned By High Child Obesity

With obesity week being observed until Saturday, the Heart and Stroke Foundation said it was concerned about the high levels of child obesity in South Africa.

The week is observed with the hope of creating awareness about the importance of healthy eating. The World Obesity Foundation has stated that, by the year 2030 the countries South Africa and China will see the largest spike in child obesity. Research has also found that more than 14% of children between the ages of six and 14 are overweight or obese.

Ntokozo Ngubane Dietician at the Heart and Stroke Foundation said overweight children were more likely to be exposed to diseases in their adulthood.

By: Ellouise Muller

What is a healthy diet and why is it imperative?

A healthy diet meets the nutritional needs of persons by providing sufficient, safe, healthy, nutritious and diverse foods to lead a good life and reduce the risk of disease. People cannot ignore the fact that nutritious diets at times are costly and is not affordable to many people.

Did you know that an unhealthy diet is the main risk factor for several deaths from non-communicable diseases like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancers? Nearly one of three people are affected by obesity and some other forms of malnutrition. No doubt, there are solutions to reduce all forms of malnutrition but global commitment and action to be taken are required with full commitment.

The combination of good nutrition and healthy weight reduces the risk of chronic diseases. If one eats healthy, nutrients will reach to your body and one will remain healthy, active and strong. Physical activity with healthy diet also plays an imperative role.

By: Ellouise Muller

World Food Day 2019

The theme around World Food Day 2019 is ‘’their actions are their future’’, healthy diets for a #ZeroHunger world. It focuses on tackling global hunger. Due to globalization, urbanization and income growth, their diets and eating habits are changed. Instead of seasonal, fibre rich food and plant based food they are shifting to refined, starches, sugar, salt, fats, processed food, meat etc. It has been seen that in urban areas time spent on preparing food or meals are very less, the reason being people these days rely on ready-made food, fast food, supermarkets, street food, etc.
Due to unhealthy diets and sedentary lifestyle obesity in persons are increasing in developed, low-income countries. FAO reports that, 670 million adults and 120 million girls and boys between the age group of 5 to 18 years are obese and 40 million children under 5 are overweight. Around 820 million people suffer from hunger.

The history of World Food Day.

The member countries of Food Agriculture Organisation established World Food Day in November 1979, at the organisation’s 20th General Conference and called for the observance of World Food Day on 16 October 1981. This decision was rectified by the UN General Assembly on 5 December 1980 and urged governments and international, national and local organisations to contribute to celebrating World Food Day. Since 1981, World Food Day has been held every year.

The plight of farmworkers in the spotlight.

The future of farmworkers looks bleak as they face the problems of mechanization, less available farmland for food production and eviction from farm houses which they have occupied for generations. World Food Day, celebrated today, is not only putting a spotlight on food security in the country, however also the food insecurity of farms and their contribution to the economics of the whole food value chain. A national conference will begin today to highlight the future of farmworkers in Southern Africa in order to raise awareness of the integral role that they have in the economy and its food system.

By: Ellouise Muller

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Presidential pardon for #FeesMustFall activist?

Justice Minister, Ronald Lomala says his department is in the process of assisting #FeesMustFall activist Knaya Cekeshe withan application to get a presidentpardon from Presidnet Cyril Ramaphosa, following the dismissal of his bid to appeal his conviction and 8 year sentence.

Making his ruling at the Johannesburg Magistrate Court, Magistrate Theuns Carstens acknowledged that Cekeshe was indeed tricked into a plea that there were discrepancies in the charge sheet, and that the applicant did not have a fair trial as the previous counsel was incompetent, Cekeshe removed behind bars. Shortly after the court made its ruling on Monday afternoon.

Lamola took to Twitter to share the news, saying that the Department of Justice and Correctional Services notes the dismissal of both the leave to appeal and bail for #FeesMustFall activists Kanya Cekeshe.

Lamola said they are in the process to award Cekeshe with a presidential pardon "We're in the process of urgently assisting him with an application for a presidential pardon or other legally available avenues" Lamola tweeted. 

Magistrate Carsten said that the law was clear that once it it establishes that a person knowingly took part in a disturbance, which endangered public peace, it was unnecessary to prove a particular act of violence was committed.

Cekeshe was convicted of public violence and malicious damage to property after he tried to set a police van alight during the protests. He's currently serving in Leeuwkop Correctional Services in Bryanston.


Done By
Mitchum George

Still in the dark over Zuma's strategy

Former President Jacob Zuma is returning to court today with the nation still in the dark over whether he will allow his corruption, fraud and money laundering to proceed. the court said that the matter must be heard instead of being struck off the roll. The former president can allow the matter to proceed and later appeal the sentence if not happy or ask the same court to permit him to appeal Friday's judgement.

Friday's ruling by a full bench of the Pietermaritzburg High Court was that Zuma be tried after he had applied to have the matter squashed for good. However, Proffessor Perrie de Vos a Constitutional law expert at the University of Cape Town, said Zuma's chances of success should he decide to appeal were slim.

 Despite being out of office and having lost power the former president will have supporters from ANC members from eThikwini and Pietermaritsburg supports have arranged to court, they are expecting 8000 people that Zuma will address after his appearance.


Done By
Lindo Nkanyuza

Monday, October 14, 2019


The Alphen Antiques and Collectables Market
Venue: Garratt Memorial Hall, 5 Eskol Lane, Constantia Cape Town Time: 10am to 3pm Cost: Free Tel: 084 626 7499 Email: 

Shnit Reads! Live Script Sessions
22 October 2019 Venue: Raptor Room, 79 Roeland St, Zonnebloem Time: TBA Cost: Free Tel: 087 625 0630 Email:

Let’s Groove Tonight Cape Town
25 to 25 October 2019
Let’s Groove Tonight Cape Town is a throwback to the popular Genres of Disco and Soul Music. It focuses on the social movement that defined fashion, several dance styles and paved the way for popular dance music that thrives today. Venue: Baxter Theatre, Main Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town Time: 8.15pm Cost: R150 Tel: 021 685 7880 Website:

I See U – Imagining a Space for Freedom
29 August 2019 to 30 November 2019
Spier presents ‘I See U: Imagining a Space for Freedom’, an exhibition featuring more than 35 works from the Spier Collection. Venue: Old Wine Cellar, Spier Wine Farm, R310 Baden Powell Drive, Stellenbosch Time: 9am to 5pm Cost: Free Tel: 021 809 1100 Email:

Morning Melodies | UCT Jazz Voices
31 October 2019 Venue: Baxter Theatre, Main Rd, Rondebosch, Cape Town Time: 10.30am Cost: R43 Tel: 021 685 7880

Cableway 90th Anniversary October Offer
1 to 31 October 2019
Children under the age of four do not have to pay for the ticket.Venue: Table Mountain Aerial Cableway, Tafelberg Rd, Gardens, Cape Town Time: 8.30am to 6pm | Last ride down 7pm Cost: R90 | Under 4 years free Tel: 021 424 8181Email:
Future Nostalgia | Collective Photographic Exhibition
16 October 2019
Venue: ElevenEleven Creative Space and Cape Film Supply, 15 Wandel St, Gardens, Cape Town Time: Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm Cost: Free Tel: 082 499 5465 Email:

And if you want us to broadcast your events you can email us at .

49 political members jumps ship to DA

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Cape Metro Region welcomed 49 opposition members during a special walk-over ceremony on Tuesday. In a ...