Saturday, October 26, 2019

Granny dies while trying to fix a ID bundle in The Western Cape

Struggling to get her ID number rectified by the department of Home Affairs, an old woman lived a life of poverty and hardship. 67-year-old Nontizana September has died. She passed away alone at a hospital in Brooklyn last week after she was reinjected with TB. according to her sister Monica, September She was in Khayelitsha District Hospital a few months ago, but the hospital had to refer her to a different facility to continue with her treatment. According to the ID she had, she was born in 1972. Nontizana September was born in Cape Town in 1956, she left for home in the Eastern Cape when she was six, she was given an ID number making her 20 years younger. She had that ID number for years and no one could help her.

#DepartmentofHomeAffairs   #IdentityDocuments #NontizanaSeptember #PassedAway @bushradionews @FikileKalimashe

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