Wednesday, January 08, 2025

City of Cape Town calls on parents to vaccinate their children

The City of Cape Town is urging parents and guardians to get their children fully vaccinated before schools reopen next week.

This follows a recent Diphtheria outbreak in the metro.

According to the city, vaccines are one of the most effective ways to prevent the disease and reduce it from spreading further.

City Health is therefore urging all parents and caregivers to prioritise childhood immunisations, to protect against preventable diseases and curb the risk of outbreaks.

MMC for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia Van der Ross said they have also conducted a number of outreaches to ramp up vaccination rates.

 “I am pleased that we are achieving our immunisation targets, but it is critical that we maintain and even improve on our coverage, to better protect vulnerable groups in our communities. The recent increase in diphtheria cases is a serious concern. Diphtheria is a preventable but life-threatening disease, and ensuring that every child is vaccinated is critical to safeguarding their health and the well-being of our communities” said van der Ross.

City Health clinics offer free immunisation services. Parents can visit any facility or make an appointment to avoid the queues. Wellness pop-up sites and open days also provide convenient opportunities for vaccination.


Done By: Elona Sibunzi

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