Monday, July 17, 2023

Delft gets 68 additional LEAP officers

An additional 68 Law Enforcement Advancement Plan (LEAP) officers have been deployed to Delft, bringing the total number of LEAP officers based in the area to 141.


According to Western Cape’s Police Oversight and Community Safety MEC, Reagen Allen, this is the biggest deployment in any single precinct.

LEAP officers work alongside other law enforcement agencies, such as City of Cape Town, Metro police and SAPS. Officers are deployed in crime hotspot areas in the metro, including, Delft, Gugulethu, Harare, Khayelitsha, Mitchell’s Plain, amongst others. LEAP officers stem from the Western Cape Government’s Safety Plan, which was initiated in September 2019, to address the high murder rate in the province. The Western Cape aims to reduce the murder rate by 50% by 2029.

The latest crime statistics [fourth quarter – January toMarch 2023], revealed that Delft is the number one murder capital in the Western Cape and third in the country.

Throughout the 2022/23 financial year, Delft has been in the top two precincts for murder in the province. During the first quarter, April to June 2022, the precinct was also number one in the province. For the second and third quarter, it was number two in the province.

Allen urged communities to wotk LEAP officers to combat crime.

“The evidence, data and need are crystal clear, and this is part of the reason why we are deploying additional resources to the area. These additional men and women are extra boots on the ground. They are already creating greater visibility and most definitely closing hiding and operational spaces for those with criminal intent.”

“It is critical that the community of Delft assist LEAP offices and all other law enforcement agencies, including SAPS to arrest the escalating murders and other forms of crime in their area. Let us restore the pride of Delft and ensure that along with all communities across our province, it too becomes safer. The onus is on all of us if we are to overcome these alarming crime patterns,” he added.


Done By: Esona Mfazwe

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