Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Masiphumele and Ocean police awarded for good community service

By Yamkela Xhaso
11 November

Ocean View has received an award for their roles in combating crime and xenophobic violence in the Masiphumelele area. The award was issued by the Institute of Justice and Reconciliation on Saturday November 8.

Ocean View police spokesperson Inspector Nkosikho Mzuku said the sation was the only police station that has received such an award in the Western Cape and he was very honoured that their name was now going to be associated with good. Mzuku felt that their police department was very unpopular amongst the community and now he was honoured that they are doing good work for the community.

“Members at the station worked tirelessly for long hours making arrest during the same period” said Mzuku.

Mzuku said the police managed to win back the trust of the community and also the community handed over stolen goods which were stolen from the foreigners.

The certificate they received was signed by Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu who is a patron of the institution and its chairperson Professor Brian O’Connell.

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