Monday, November 03, 2008

Zuma defends the ANC

By Mandisi Tyulu
03 November

African National Congress president Jacob Zuma has lashed out at party dissidents saying they are portraying the ruling party as not respecting the rule of law.

Zuma addressed thousands of supporters in the Jabulani Amphitheatre in Soweto today.

SABC2 has been accused of political bias as it cut a live interview with United Democratic Movement leader Bantu Holomisa to cross to Zuma's speech. An angry Holomisa then walked out of the interview.

During his speech at the Jabulani Stadium in Soweto yesterday, Zuma challenged his political opponents to a debate on policies.


Anonymous said...

Good for Bantu. The SABC are just sycophantic paid lackeys of the ANC.
Useless in the extreme.
They need a serious wake up call. They have contributed to the downfall of this land and must share responsibiliyablucinty with the ANC and the mob that governs.

John said...

Good for Holomisa. The SABC are paid lackeys and sycophants of the ANC. They must share the responsibility for the current state of affairs in this country. They are about as "independant" as Pravda!

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