Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Parliament arson accused, Mafe stated he might take his case to constitutional Court

Zandile Mafe was denied a bail application after her appeared in the Western Cape High Court on Monday. He vowed that he will continue to  fight or he will take the matter up to the Constitutional Court if necessary.

He was arrested in January following a fire at the Parliamentary precinct. The blaze also destroyed the National Assembly building and sections of the Old Assembly Chamber.

Mafe is charged with housebreaking with intent to commit terrorism and arson, and separate charges of terrorism, arson and theft.

His application was dismissed by Judge Daniel Thulare and Judge Constance Nziweni. Meanwhile, a third judge, James Lekhuleni, added that he would have agreed to Mafe's release on bail.

by Everngelista Muza

Emergency centres concerned over increased incident calls over the weekend

The City of Cape Town concerned over the increase in pedestrian accidents.

This is following the number of Public Emergency Communication Centre (PECC) logged incident of 1 493 between Friday and Sunday.

According to reports a bulk of the calls were for medical assistance and by-law transgressions of which 122 calls were for incidents relating to assaults, 27 for accidental injuries, 22 domestic violence, 55 motor vehicle accidents and 22 pedestrian accidents. A double the number compared to the previous week.

Mayoral committee member for safety and security, Alderman JP Smith said as winter approaches is is detrimental that both motorists and pedestrians start practicing caution.

“If you’re driving in poor weather conditions, slow down, make sure your wipers are working correctly and that your tyres and brakes are up to the task.

 “It’s also important for both motorists and pedestrians to stay off the roads if they’re under the influence of alcohol,” Smith said.

The PECC is contactable on 021 480 7700 from a cellphone or 107 from a landline.

man arrested for alleged rape for toddler in Heideveld


Police arrested a 40 year old suspect wanted for allegedly raping an 18-month old baby in Heideveld.

The had been on the run since the incident occurred in Grace Court on Monday was found nearly 20km from the crime scene, in Beacon Valley, Mitchells Plain.

Police spokesperson Warrant Officer Joseph Swartbooi, confirmed the rap case, he said that the suspect was arrested by the Maitland Flying Squad.

 “Once charged he is expected to make a court appearance in the Athlone Magistrate’s Court,” Swartbooi said.

According to reports the toddler currently in a medical facility for treatment.

Meanwhile residents of Heideveld are angry that the suspect was in police custody. They were wary the suspect once he get his court appearance will get a bail and move to another area.

“We have had enough of this nonsense. Enough! Our children are dying like flies. Our women and children are being kidnapped, raped and murdered like it’s open season.

“We had enough. What has the justice system ever done to assist us?

“It is time we stand as a collective and show these rapists, murderers and gangsters just how fed up we are!” a resident said.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Shoprite, Checkers recall Cape Point tuna amid concerns of defective double seams

Shoprite and Checkers have recalled 170g cans of Cape Point Light Meat Shredded Tuna in Water from stores across the country.

It's understood there is a possibility of cans with defective double seams.

Despite some concerns, no complaints have been reported.

According to a statement from the supermarket chain, the recall was done as a precautionary measure.

The voluntary recall is limited to products with the following production code: EEJCK BPHGS01. (The production date is 23/07/2021 and best before date is 23/07/2024.)

''Cape Point Light Meat Shredded Tuna in Water products in 170g cans with different product codes from the one listed here are not affected by this recall, and neither are any other Cape Point products. To locate the production code, consumers should look on the bottom of the can," said the statement.

Consumers who may have purchased the product listed above should not consume it but instead return it to their nearest Shoprite or Checkers store for a full refund.

The group added they were working closely with and would continue to co-operate with the National Consumer Commission on the voluntary recall.

Done By: Mitchum George

Eskom to implement Stage 2 load shedding

Eskom announced that it will implement Stage 2 load shedding from 17:00 until 22:00 on Monday, due to the breakdown of a generation unit each at Majuba and Medupi power stations

In a statement, the parastatal said that three generation units are expected to return to service by this evening, which will ramp up through the night.

‘’Eskom will continue to closely monitor the system, adjust and communicate any changes as may be necessary. We appeal to all South Africans to help limit the impact of the shortages by continuing to reduce the usage of electricity and to switch off all non-essential items.’’

‘’Eskom cautions the public that as the shortage of generation capacity persists, the system will continue to be constrained with an elevated risk of loadshedding over the coming weeks.’’

It urged consumers to use electricity sparingly.

‘’We would like to remind the public that loadshedding is implemented only as a last resort to protect the national grid. We therefore urge all South Africans to continue using electricity sparingly especially between 05:00 – 09:00 in the mornings and 16:00 – 22:00 in the evenings.’’


PICTURE: Pixabay

Done By: Mitchum George

DA suspends Western Cape legislature speaker, Masizole Mnqasela

The DA has suspended Western Cape legislature speaker Masizole Mnqasela from party activities,

Western Cape provincial chair Jaco Londt said that the DA said it had handed documents “containing protected disclosures by whistle-blowers alleging fraud and/or corruption relating to subsistence, travel and entertainment allowance claims” by Mnqasela to the Hawks, last week.

Londt said the DA provincial executive committee (PEC) met on Friday and decided to suspend Mnqasela from party activities pending the “finalisation of an investigation and/or the institution of disciplinary proceedings against him”.

“The PEC’s decision to suspend is based on the findings of an investigation report by the DA’s federal legal commission that there is sufficient credibility in the allegations relating to irregularities pertaining to subsistence, travel and entertainment allowance claims,” said Londt.

He said Mnqasela was allowed to provide reasons why he should not be suspended, which he did.

“After careful consideration, the party decided to move to suspension. It is important to note that there is a clear difference between party and government processes. The DA is able to apply its mind and act on internal matters that are formally brought to its attention.

 “We are not allowed to interfere with the processes of any of our governments, nor any external investigations such as that of the Hawks or SAPS, which must run their own course. Any reports or findings emanating from such processes will also be considered for possible further steps.”

Londt added: “We are aware that there are currently internal processes ongoing against other members which the party will act upon as soon as the formal report is tabled.

“The DA has a zero-tolerance approach to corruption, and when evidence-based allegations arise, we hold our office bearers to account, without fear or favour. We are proud of our record of clean governance and are deeply concerned about these developments.”

Done By: Mitchum George

LEAP officers arrests 176 suspects in a week

The Western Cape's law enforcement advancement plan (LEAP) officers arrested 176 suspects last week.

The perpetrators were arrested for a variety of offences through the efforts of LEAP officers.

The department of police oversight and community safety stated that 91 were nabbed for being in possession of drugs, 22 for possession of dangerous weapons and the balance for various other offences.

The illegal firearms were confiscated in Delft, Gugulethu and Kraaifontein. The department stated that in seven days, the unit had conducted 8,540 searches on people while 395 houses and 955 vehicles were also searched. The unit also conducted 90 roadblocks.

The officers have been part of 12 integrated operations with other City of Cape Town law enforcement and 168 operations with SAPS were conducted, according to the department.

“Where LEAP is deployed, its impact against crime is being seen and felt by communities. This confirms why visible policing through boots on the ground is so important. Perhaps these successes will convince the national minister of police why additional resources are required and so well deserved,” said MEC for police oversight and community safety Reagen Allen.

Allen said the newly launched Safety Dashboard with its data and evidence, will help to further guide how and where the LEAP officers should be deployed.

“It will also guide us in terms of our violence prevention interventions.”

“I’d like to thank communities for their continued support and assistance to the LEAP officers. Their vigilance and reporting have ensured that perpetrators could be tracked and arrested. We’ll continue to rely on all our communities and the various volunteer structures if we’re to achieve greater success, and halve the murder rate by 2029,” Allen said.


Done By: Mitchum George

Load shedding has been suspended

Load shedding has been suspended, according to Eskom this is due to a marginal improvement in the generation capacity.

While rolling power cuts have been suspended for now, the power untility warned elevated risk of blackouts remains as the system is still constrained.

In its statement released on Sunday it said Eskom currently has 4 331MW on planned maintenance, while another 13 805MW of capacity is unavailable due to breakdowns.

Eskom stated that they will closely monitor the power grip while also appealing to all South Africans to help limit the usage of electricity and to switch off all non-essential items.

 “We would like to remind the public that load shedding is implemented only as a last resort to protect the national grid. We therefore urge all South Africans to continue using electricity sparingly especially between 05:00 – 09:00 in the mornings and 16:00 – 22:00 in the evenings” said Eskom.

by Everngelista Muza

Friday, May 27, 2022

Cigarette delivery vehicle robbed in Phillipi

A 40-year-old man will soon appear before the Athlone Magistrates Court after allegedly robbing a cigarette delivery vehicle in the area.

The police’s Ndakwe Gwala said that Phillipi police officers heard gunshots in their vicinity and as they approached the crime scene, they discovered that a cigarette delivery vehicle was being robbed, and spotted one suspect who fled the scene empty handed, running towards the direction of a Toyota Quantum with police members in pursuit.

Gwala added that the driver of the Toyota Quantum and two other males drove off as the suspect was apprehended.

‘’Furthermore, during this incident, boxes of various tobacco brands with an estimated value of R500 000.00 were looted by members of the community. Police members patrolled the area and arrested two males aged 17 and 18 who possessed cigarettes with an estimated value of R8000 for possession of suspected stolen property,’’ said Gwala.

‘’Both suspects will appear in the Athlone Magistrate’s court. Investigations into this matter continue and more arrests are not ruled out,’’ she added.

 Anyone with information regarding this incident is urged to contact the investigating official Detective Warrant Officer Johannes Louw of the Provincial Organized Crime Unit at 0721954594. Alternatively, Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

Bonteheuwel substation explodes

The City of Cape Town says it has seen a downward trend in electricity vandalism, theft and illegal connections in some districts of the city.

In the first three months of this year, the Metal Theft Unit arrested 54 suspects, issued just over 2 000 fines, recovered hundreds of kilograms of infrastructure belonging to the City, Eskom, Telkom and other entities. In addition, they conducted 561 inspections at scrapyards, during which they issued 95 warning notices and closed 29 facilities.

Despite the downward trend says the City, it remains a challenge. The latest incident occurred in Bonteheuwel.

‘’Ongoing electricity infrastructure vandalism in Bonteheuwel is causing much inconvenience to residents in the area. Not only is repair work costing thousands of rands it is also places residents in an extremely difficult situation being without electricity for extended periods of time,’’ said Ward councillor, Angus Mckenzie.

‘’These outages during the cold and wet rainy days places families in positions of not having a warm plate of food, lights to keep safe or even a heater to keep warm. While gang shooting and gang activity has seen a huge reduction it would appear that we have swapped gang shooting for cable theft and drain cover theft,’’ added McKenzie.

McKenzie says that residents were left without electricity on Thursday, after an outside electricity substation was severely vandalised in Citrus Street causing it to explode.

McKenzie urged residents to report illegal activities.

‘’I would strongly encourage residents to use our tip off line to report those causing this financial and practical inconvenience as they have in reducing gang violence, this can be done by whatsapp to ‪0824441850 with all the relevant information. Alternatively, residents can contact ‪0214807700 to provide that information.’’

‘’Please don’t allow your family or friends to place you and others in this position, keep the lights on, keep our community safe and “piemp” those that chose not to share our collective vision,’’ added McKenzie.

Done By: Mitchum George

R50 000 offered to help find Yanga Endrey Nyalara

Western Cape police is offering a R50 000 for information from the public which may lead to the successful apprehension and prosecution of Yanga Nyalara. 

SAPS spokesperson, Captain FC van Wyk said that a waarant for his arrests have been issued. 30-year-old Yanga Endrey Nyalara, also known as Bara, is wanted for a number of serious and violent crimes perpetrated in Khayelitsha and Cape Town, as far back as 2016.

‘’There is a possibility that he could also be in the Eastern Cape, or other parts of the country. All information received from the public will be dealt with confidentially,’’ said Captain FC Van Wyk.

Anyone who can shed light on Nyalara’s whereabouts is urged to contact Brigadier Makhaya Mkabile (082 222 6744), Colonel Leon Hanana (082 522 2281), Lieutenant Colonel Bonginkosi Libala (082 411 2042) and Lieutenant Colonel Victor Norman Galant (082 469 1539)


PICTURED - SAPS: Yanga Endrey Nyalara

Done By: Mitchum George

Thursday, May 26, 2022

B97 taxi route remains closed for further four months

The B97 minibus taxi route between Mbekweni in Paarl and Bellville will be closed for a further four months, starting from Thursday 26 May 2022.

The taxi route between Bellville and Mbekweni, in Paarl was closed in July 2021, after efforts to end taxi violence between the local Paarl Alliance Taxi Association (PATA), which is affiliated to CODETA, and CATA Boland both who claim rights to run the B97 route, failed.

‘’My proposed actions were published under Provincial Notice 22/2022 in Provincial Gazette 8554 dated 18 February 2022. The final Notice setting out the extraordinary measures was published under Provincial Notice 24/2022 in Provincial Gazette 8556 dated 25 February 2022. Provincial Notice 24/2022 stated that the extraordinary measures would be in place for a period of three months. The period in respect of which the extraordinary measures apply expires today [Thursday],’’ said Western Cape’s Mobility MEC, Daylinn Mitchell.

The reason for the extension says Mitchell is due to tensions between the conflicting taxi associations in the proposed declared areas have continued. He added that a number of violent incidents, including murders, have occurred and are being probed as part of the conflict between the taxi associations.

‘’Violence, unrest and/or instability in the taxi industry continue in the proposed declared areas, or between operators in those areas, which have led to the safety of passengers using the relevant services, residents or any other persons entering those areas, deteriorating to an unacceptable level. This extension is therefore necessary to stabilise the situation,’’ said Mitchell.

The MEC said that Golden Arrow Bus Services (GABS) will remain in operation between Bellvillle and Paarl. Commuters will also be able to use existing Metrorail train services between Bellville and Paarl.

‘’I expect that extending the closure of these routes and ranks will help to maintain the relative stability that was restored to the public transport environment in the affected areas and support the process of finding lasting peace,’’ said Mitchell.                                                                                                                    ‘’I have consulted with the relevant planning authorities in the affected areas, and they agree with the proposed measures,’’ he added.


Done By: Mitchum George

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Help find missing 13-year-old Maria Pop from Wallacedene, Kraaifontein

Kraaifontein Family Violence Child Protection Sexual Offences Unit are seeking the assistance of the public to help find 13-year-old Maria Pop from Wallacedene, Kraaifontein

The police’s Wesley Twigg says that she was last seen on Monday morning when she left her residence.

‘’She was spotted in Cape Town at about 17:00 Monday afternoon but never arrived home. She was dressed in pink leggings and a multi-colour top. She has brown eyes, black hair and is of slim built,’’ said Sergeant Wesley Twigg.

Anyone who can shed light on the whereabouts of the missing girl or who can assist with the investigation is kindly requested to contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or use the MYSAPS App to send information anonymously.



Done By: Mitchum George

Bontehuewel mothers thwart suspects from stealing drain covers

Bonteheuwel residents were woken up in the early hours of Wednesday, after they saw two thieves stealing drain cover lids in David Profit Street.

COURTESY: Ward Councillor, Angus McKenzie

Ward Councillor, Angus McKenzie, says after stealing the covers, the suspects hid them in a nearby peace garden to collect at a later stage.

‘’The David Profit Street Mother's quickly informed my tip off line and Law Enforcement Officers were immediately deployed. The Bonteheuwel Law Enforcement team were immediately able to arrest the 2 suspects and retrieve the stolen covers,’’ said McKenzie.

COURTESY: Ward Councillor, Angus McKenzie

The suspects were taken to Bishop Lavis SAPS. McKenzie says having a Bonteheuwel WhatsApp group is beneficial.

‘’Our street WhatsApp groups throughout the area has hugely assisted the reduction of crime and tipping off gang related activities. The safer community we experiencing must be accredited to willing residents taking back their community, street by street,’’ he said.


COURTESY: Ward Councillor, Angus McKenzie - ‘’The David Profit Street Mother's

Done By: Mitchum George

No agreement reached to end closure of route b97

 An agreement has still not been reached on the sharing of a taxi route between Mbekweni and Bellville.

Western Cape Mobility MEC Daylin Mitchell stated that no aggrement has been met on the sharing of a taxi route between Mbekweni and Bellville. This comes after his efforst to meet up with leaders of the provincial taxi industry to find solutions that will lead to the reopening of Route B97. The Minister first closed the route in July 2021 after concerted efforts from authorities to stop violence between operators affiliated to Cata and Codeta failed.

Both groups requested more time, as the current extension end May 26, while they were focused on elections within the taxi industry and would not allow the two route associations to engage on their own.

Meanwhile Mitchell is adamant that they want the route re-opened.

Manenberg woman still missing

Police are investigating the disappearance of Manenberg woman who has set social media abuzz. Shireen Essop reportedly went missing on Monday, 2pm in Weltevreden Road, Philippi.

The 32 year old was last seen driving her white Toyota in the area before it was later retrieved in Khayelitsha. She last seen wearing black pants and a mustard top.

SAPS spokesperson Wesley Twigg confirmed police were searching for Essop and that the circumstances surrounding the incident were being investigated.

Women For Change founder Sabrina Walter said they tried to raise as much awareness of the case as possible.

“The number of missing women, missing children, raped and abused women and cases of femicide, are getting out of control,” Walter said.

Anyone with any information about the incident can contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111.

by Everngelista Muza

Atlantis and Helderberg show an increase in vandalism and theft.

The City of Cape Town said that it has seen a slight increase of vandalism of its electricity infrastructure in some areas in the city.

It added that the estimated damage to infrastructure, for April, will cost the City R2, 4 million to repair and replace. According to Mayoral committee member for Energy, Councillor Beverley van Reenen while been downward trend in vandalism, theft and illegal connections in parts of the city. Data has shown that areas like Atlantis and Helderberg have shown an increase.

 The City stated that in the first three months of this year the Metal Theft Unit (MTU)arrested 54 suspects, issued just over 2 000 fines, recovered hundreds of kilograms of infrastructure belonging to the City, Eskom, Telkom and other entities. 561 inspections was conducted in scrapyards, resulting in 95 warning notices issued and 29 facilities closed.

by Everngelista Muza

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

No moneypox cases detected in SA

The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) has confirmed that there are currently no cases of the virus in South Africa, despite 15 countries reporting more than 140 monkeypox cases,

In a statement, the NICD reported that on 13 May 2022, the World Health Organisation (WHO) was notified of two laboratory-confirmed cases and one probable case of monkeypox, from the same household, in the United Kingdom.

“On 15th May, four additional laboratory-confirmed cases were reported amongst sexual health services attendees presenting with a vesicular rash illness in men practising sex with men. Since then, 15 countries have collectively reported more than 140 cases,” NICD Executive Director, Professor Adrian Puren said.

Puren said most cases are mild and present with lesions on the genitalia or peri-genital areas. Additional symptoms include rash, fever, painful lymph nodes, and oral ulcers.

He said the first case in the current outbreak was a traveller who returned to the United Kingdom from Nigeria, a monkeypox endemic area, on 4 May 2022.

“Clinicians confirmed that the patient had monkeypox three days later. Investigations have been unable to link that case to any of the other cases detected to date, suggesting that there have been multiple introductions of the virus into the United Kingdom and other countries, with cases potentially having gone undetected [until] now.

“A preliminary genome sequence from a confirmed Portuguese case indicates that the virus is the West African strain (reduced mortality of 1% compared to the 10% of the Congo Basin strain) and is most closely related to viruses associated with the exportation of monkeypox from Nigeria to the United Kingdom, Israel, and Singapore during 2018-2019,” Puren said.

Puren noted that milder cases of monkeypox may go undetected and represent a risk of person-to-person transmission.


“There is likely to be little immunity to the infection in those travelling or otherwise exposed, as endemic disease is usually geographically limited to parts of West and Central Africa.”

Although monkeypox, which is related to smallpox which has been eradicated, sporadically causes small outbreaks, transmission is believed to be inefficient as close contact is required and thus the current outbreak is unlikely to progress to being a global emergency.

“Monkeypox is usually a self-limiting illness, and most cases will recover within a few weeks without treatment. However, severe disease maybe observed in young children, pregnant women, and individuals who are immunocompromised.

“Historically, vaccination against smallpox was shown to be protective against monkeypox. Contact tracing is ongoing in the countries reporting cases, and contacts are being assessed based on their level of exposure and followed up through active or passive surveillance for 21-days from the date of last exposure to a case,” Puren explained, noting that smallpox vaccination is being offered to higher risk contacts, but global vaccine availability is a challenge.

Puren warned that for South Africa the risk of importation of monkeypox is a reality, as “lessons learnt from COVID-19 have illustrated that outbreaks in another part of the world can fast become a global concern”.

“Residents and travellers to endemic countries should avoid contact with sick animals that could harbour monkeypox virus, such as rodents, marsupials, and primates and should refrain from eating or handling wild game. A good history is essential to rule out other differential diagnoses, including malaria,” Puren advised.


Done By: Mitchum George

Two Metro Police officers sustains facial injuries, as bystanders thwart arrest of taxi driver

Two Metro Police officers were injured, with one taken to hospital for treatment, after they sustained facial injuries from being hit in the face with a rock.

Mayco member for safety and security, JP Smith says that Officers pulled over a white Toyota Quantum in Bishop Lavis on Friday after the driver disobeyed a red robot, but he sped off instead, causing two accidents along the way, and eventually abandoned the vehicle at the Nyanga taxi rank, where he fled further on foot.

‘’A crowd at the taxi rank hurled stones at the officers, and some also fired live rounds at them. Members of the Metro Police Tactical Response Unit discharged rubber rounds to disperse the crowd.’’

‘’By the time the situation calmed down, the taxi driver had managed to evade capture, but four other suspects were arrested on multiple charges including public violence, malicious damage to Council property, resisting arrest and hindering/interfering with an officer in the execution of their duties; four Metro Police patrol vehicles were damaged; two officers sustained facial injuries from being hit in the face with rocks – one was taken to hospital for treatment,’’ he added.

The mayco member condemned the incident

‘’It’s an unfortunate reality that more and more people feel they can simply insert themselves into situations that have nothing to do with them, and in the process they help suspects get away to potentially commit more offences down the line, but they also put our staff’s lives at risk as well as their own. This particular situation could have had fatal consequences. Even more puzzling is how, in the face of ongoing complaints about public safety and incidents of crime, anyone can target or obstruct officers in the execution of their duties. We condemn these brazen acts of lawlessness, and I sincerely hope that the courts will send out a strong message that this type of behaviour cannot and should not be tolerated.’’


Done By: Mitchum George

GABS says it will protect its passengers from a price hike

Golden Arrow Bus Service (GABS) says it will protect its passengers by not increasing its fares.

The announcement comes as a massive fuel hike of over R3 per litre is predicted for next month, as the government offered relief of R1.50 on the fuel levy was expected to lapse in June.

In a statement, GABS’ general manager Derick Meyer said diesel was the company’s single biggest expense item other than wages, adding that price hikes place severe pressure on its operating margins

‘’The upcoming increase in the price of diesel is going to be yet another blow for Golden Arrow, but we have decided not to increase fares at this stage to provide our passengers with some small sense of relief amidst all of the price increases they are facing. Golden Arrow will however continue to absorb these increases for as long as possible.’’

‘’Going forward, we will continue to monitor the situation closely but would like to once again assure our passengers that we are committed to making travel on our buses as cost effective as we can. Fares increases will never be implemented unless completely unavoidable,’’ added Meyer.

Meyer says that any potential future increases will be discussed with the Western Cape’s Department of Mobility and notice will be given in advance to all affected parties.


Done By: Mitchum George

Western Cape’s Police Oversight & Community Safety MEC livid at Khayelitsha and Manenberg shooting

Western Cape’s Police Oversight & Community Safety MEC, Reagen Allen says he’s livid at the latest shooting incidents that occurred in Khayelitsha and Manenberg.

On Sunday evening in Ekuphumleni, in Khayelitsha, 3 members of a family were fatally shot in their home. In Manenberg, yesterday, there were attempts to shoot and kill 5 people.

‘’I am extremely angry at the latest shooting incidents that occurred in Khayelitsha and Manenberg. I want these perpetrators found and arrested speedily. This terror has no place in our society and must be brought to an end.’’

‘’Khayelitsha has been plagued by severe shooting incidents and this cannot be allowed to continue unabated. The flare ups of gang related shootings in Manenberg are of deep concern and must also immediately stop,’’ he added.

Allen has called on SAPS to leave no stone unturned and want the perpetrators to be found and arrested speedily.

‘’Every bit of crime intelligence and investigation ability should be employed to find and arrest these criminals. My plea to the community is to assist SAPS and law enforcement by providing any leads they might have so that these perpetrators can be arrested. We must ensure they face the full might of the law.’’

‘’The days of gangsters running around like they own the place and terrorising our residents are over. I want residents not to lose hope, as I will continue to advocate that the National Government provide the additional policing resources that we so greatly need and deserve,’’ added Allen.


Done By: Mitchum George

Monday, May 23, 2022

Khayelitsha's latest deadly shooting leaves three siblings dead

Police to investigation a deadly shooting of three family members in Khayelitsha on Sunday evening.

Lingelethu police were called out to Lindelwa Street where they found the bodies of two men and a woman with gunshot wounds. According to reports two armed men allegedly at 8 pm and fired several shots before fleeing the sceen.

He said”, the ages of the deceased persons are 51, 53 and 57. Information gathered from the scene indicates all three victims were siblings ".

According to police no arrests have yet to be made as detectives are currently pursuing several leads as part of the investigation into the shooting incident.

by Everngelista Muza

Parow fire under control following blaze at a storage

A fire broke out at a storage warehouse in Parow on Monday morning, according to the fire services the cause of the blaze is still unknown.

This comes after fire crews were alerted to the blaze shortly after 5am.

According to the City's Fire and Rescue Service's Jermaine Carelse, no injuries have been reported. He also said that 40 firefighters have been deployed in the area , 10 fire-fighting appliances, as well as an aerial appliance are on scene on the corners of Fritz Spilhaus Avenue and Jean Simonis Street.

" The roof of the warehouse has collapsed and crews are also protecting the adjacent structures. While active firefighting is still ongoing, the fire has been brought under control."

by Everngelista Muza

Three suspected of murdering 6 year old girl in Limpopo to appear in court

 Three suspects to appear in court over the gruesome murder of 6-year old Bontle Mashiyane.  A month after she went missing her mutilated body was found on Saturday near her home. According to reports Mashiyane went missing near her home while she was playing with friends, this prompted Community members to launch a massive search for the little girl.

Mpumalangs Premier Refilwe Tsipane stated that the six-year-old was reportedly raped by a 40-year old man by before being murdered and among the three suspects two are neighbours. Premier Mtsweni-Tsipane says two more including a sangoma have been taken in for questioning. The three suspects are expected to appear in court on Monday.

by Everngelista Muza

Three year old boy lose life in bus crash along Garden Route

The bus crashed along Garden Route has been recovered. It had been carrying 35 occupants, members of a Rugby Club from Plettenberg Bay as they were returning from a league match in George.

According to police the accident happened on Saturday night when the bus driver lost control on a bend while coming down Wilderness Heights. The police stated that an investigation has been opened after a three year old boy was declared dead on scene.

Team Manager, Martin Booysen says the deceased was the son of one of the players, as well as the grandson of the club’s chairperson, who’s currently in hospital.

According to Ross Campbell, the spokesperson for ER24, “They had apparently taken this road through the back of Wilderness to connect to the N2 as the Saasveld Road was closed due to flood damage.

 “Two men in their 30s were found entrapped in the vehicle and in a critical condition. They required advanced life support interventions, and their extraction took a long time, a combined effort led by Metro Rescue.

The bus was removed from the scene on Sunday morning.

by Everngelista Muza

Friday, May 20, 2022

South African ultrarunning legend, Mavis Hutchison has passed away

South African ultrarunning legend, Mavis Hutchison has passed away.

Affectionately known as the “Galloping Granny”, 97-year-old Hutchinson died on Thursday.

She was a pioneer for women in running, and especially as an ultra-marathon runner. In 1965 she became only the third woman to complete the Comrades Marathon (as an unofficial entrant), and then went on to complete another seven Comrades.  In 1973 she became the first woman to run the 602km from Germiston to Durban at the age of 49. This led to her nickname, which became her trademark and a name she proudly carried.

At age 53, Mavis made history by becoming the first woman to run across America from Los Angeles to New York City. She continued competing at the World Master’s Games, where she set new records, until her early 80’s and was still seen training regularly up to a few years ago.

Western Cape’s Cultural Affairs and Sport MEC, Anroux Marais, said Mavis embodied the concept of a life-long athlete.

“She stayed fit and healthy and continued competing at an unbelievable age. She paved the way for many female athletes and was also a mentor and inspiration to many. She never hesitated to give back to the running community. We are grateful for her contribution to sport and for the legacy she leaves behind. ‘’


PICTURED: Mavis Hutchison

Done By: Mitchum George

Action Society aims to achieve more successful court outcomes in future

Action Society provided insight into its Gender-Based Violence case-oversight model in Mitchell’s plain on Thursday. The organisation support victims of GBV by overseeing and monitoring the investigation process as well as educating the involved parties.

Action Society held its six-monthly feedback session with stakeholders at the Mitchell’s Plain Network Opposing Abuse in Beacon Valley.

The event was attended by Western Cape’s Community Safety and Police Oversight MEC, Reagen Allen, staff of the network and the Lentegeur neighbourhood watch.

Action Society’s Ian Cameron, Director of Community Safety, says it was the first real opportunity to provide feedback to relevant stakeholders.

“This is the way forward in collaborating with community organisations, local and provincial government and SAPS to help victims of GBV to get justice.”

Allen is of the opinion that crime and crime against women is concerning, which highlights the importance of working together to address the scourge of GBV.

“We’ve seen how our women in the Western Cape are working, seen them patrolling.”

Cameron concluded by saying, “It is a great comfort to us when the work we do is appreciated and seen as vital by someone like Mr Allen. We want to once again ensure him and his team of Action Society’s support to address this issue in our communities.”

Action Society aims to achieve more successful court outcomes in future.


Done By: Mitchum George

Khayelitsha Animal Clinic launches programme aimed at doubling pet sterilisation

The Mdzananda Animal Clinic in Khayelitsha has launched a programme to sterilise more animals and curb the growing pet population in the area. According to their estimations, approximately 300 000 companion animals live in the township, many of which are unsterilised.

The Mdzananda Animal Clinic launched a satellite sterilisation clinic in January, in partnership with Blue Downs Animal Hospital in a neighbouring suburb to fight against the population growth.

PHOTO: Mdzananda Animal Clinic - Community members bringing pets for sterilisation

“The community’s pet population is skyrocketing. Backyard breeding is rife as puppy and kitten sales are income generators. There is also a massive increase in the township’s size and population as people move to Cape Town from other provinces bringing their animals with them,” says Marcelle du Plessis, Fundraising and Communications Executive.

“There are many superstitions around female dogs needing to produce at least one litter and that males will lose their ‘manliness’ and stop protecting homes if sterilised. The increasing population means insufficient homes or overcrowded homes which can lead to intentional and unintentional neglect,” Du Plessis added.

The clinic has extensive education programmes teaching about the importance of sterilisation. Yearly the animal clinic sterilises around 1500 pets. The Mdzananda Animal Clinic have already sterilised 353 extra animals, since the start of 2022.

General Manager, Sr. Heidi May, says more needs to be done.

“This is not enough, but due to our capacity at our facility, providing medical treatment to over 1 000 animals per month, we are not able to do more. We have limited space in our operating theatre and limited veterinarians who also need to care for all patients in our hospital and shelter.”

The clinic had to find a creative solution to make a larger impact in the community and have done so by creating a Satellite Sterilisation Partnership Clinic.

“We believe in partnerships and that, through standing together, we can do even more good,” says Sr May.

They have partnered with Dr Rightwell Munyuki, the owner and veterinarian of Blue Downs Animal Clinic whose practice is serving as a satellite sterilisation clinic for this newly launched programme.

The launch of this programme was made possible by the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home in the United Kingdom who sponsored one year’s running costs and sterilisation costs for 720 animals in 2022. The programme has, however, been so well received that they are already reaching more.

PHOTO: Mdzananda Animal Clinic - Dr. Brian Bergman sterilising a dog  

“We have limited funding for this programme and we don’t want to stop sterilising because of funding restraints. We ask the public to become #SteriSuppawters to reach more animals,” says du Plessis. 

Sr. May says funding is a challenge.

“We would like to reach more animals than the targeted 720 for this year. We can do it but we need to source more funding to make that a reality. We want to encourage the public to sign up as #SteriSuppawters and sponsor a sterilisation.” says Sr. May

To become a #SteriSuppawter sign up for a monthly debit order of R100 to sterilise two pets per year or R50 to sterilise one pet per year at www.mdzanandasecure.co.za. Or donate a once off amount of R650 to sterilise one animal. Bank details: Mdzananda Animal Clinic, Standard Bank, Account number: 075595710, Branch: Rondebosch, Code: 025009, Savings account, Reference: Steri +Your Name.

For further information visit their website on www.mdzananda.co.za or contact marcelle@mdzananda.co.za.


Done By: Mitchum George

Police Oversight and Community Safety MEC to visit Manenberg over recent spikes in shootings

Western Cape’s Police Oversight and Community Safety MEC, Reagen Allen will visit the Manenberg SAPS station on Friday to engage the VISPOL head and various relevant stakeholders of the area. This visit comes in light of the recent spike in shootings in the area.

Manenberg residents watched on in horror when a gang shootout ensued between two rival gangs on Thursday.

In the video, gone viral, a group of men armed with assault rifles and what sounded like a shotgun were seen exchanging fire. It’s unclear if any victims sustained injury in the gunfight.

Thursday’s shooting comes a couple of days after two men were targeted in an attempted assassination on Pacos Walk, Manenberg. It’s believed that the shooting was an attempt on the life of a prominent gang member. Police spokesperson Captain Frederick Van Wyk further revealed that “the two males were sitting in a black motor vehicle in Pecos Walk Manenberg when three males approached them, and they randomly opened fire on the occupants of the vehicle.”

“The three males fled the scene on foot in an unknown direction. The two injured males were taken to a nearby hospital by private transport for medical treatment,” added Van Wyk.

Early investigations into the attempted murder indicate there may have been three men involved in the shooting, all of whom are still at large and considered dangerous.

Murmurs in Manenberg indicate that the spate of shootings in the Cape Flats township is the culmination of an ongoing war between two gangs, the Clever Kids and the Hard Livings.

“Over the last 24 to 48 hours, I’ve received reports of significant shootings in the Manenberg area. It’s important to engage all relevant stakeholders, particularly SAPS, law enforcement and community organisations, to ascertain how this matter is being addressed. We cannot have our communities living in fear,’’ said MEC Allen.


Done By: Mitchum George


Stage 2 loadshedding to continue during the weekend

Power Utility Eskom says stage two rolling blackouts will continue through the weekend after it failed to resuscitate some of its generating units.

This week, the power utility plunged the country into darkness once more.

Eskom Spokesperson Sikhonathi Matshantsha said“ Due to the continued shortage of generation capacities, stage 2 load shedding will be implemented from 5 until 10 pm tonight. Load shedding will be repeated at the same time on Saturday and Sunday. Eskom will continue to monitor the system and communicate any changes as may be necessary.”

Last week, the Democratic Alliance (DA) called for a State of Disaster to be declared on Eskom. It said the State of Disaster would be solution-driven when it comes to running the power utility.

The DA argued that the rolling blackouts have cost the country billions of rand and continue to hurt the country’s economy and have contributed to the unemployment crisis.

Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi


Thursday, May 19, 2022

Kleinvlei gangsters handed hefty sentences in Cape court

The Cape Town High Court handed hefty sentences to Thando Manuel and his co-accused Nathan Erasmus on Thursday.

On 18 March 2018, the suspects went to a known drug outlet in Protea Street, Kleinvlei, posing as customers. After a brief verbal engagement they opened fire on the three victims, two of whom died on the scene while one sustained a gunshot wound. The suspects fled on foot but Kleinvlei SAPS members, with the aid of the community arrested one of the suspects. The second suspect was arrested during further investigations. A 9mm pistol and a R5 semi-automatic rifle were recovered, and both firearms were positively linked to the scene of the crime by forensic ballistic evidence.

‘’Investigations revealed that the killing was gang related, and was a feud between different groupings of the 28 gang group in the Klenvlei and adjacent areas. The accused were both found guilty on all the charges and were convicted and declared unfit to possess a firearm,’’ said the police’s Ndakwe Gwala.

The two accused were both facing two counts of murder, five counts of attempted murder, illegal possession of an unlicensed firearm and illegal possession of ammunition.

 Thando Manuel was sentenced to two life imprisonment for the murders, and an additional total of 65 years imprisonment for the other crimes, while Nathan Erasmus was sentenced to two life imprisonment for the murders, and an additional 60 years imprisonment for the other charges. The sentences will run concurrently with the life sentences.

‘’SAPS management in the Western Cape trust that the lengthy sentences will send a strong message that gangsterism will not be tolerated in our communities,’’ added Gwala.


Done By: Mitchum George

Stellenbosch University student arrested for rape

The Stellenbosch University (SU) says a student has been arrested for allegedly raping another student on campus. The student was arrested on campus on Wednesday morning.

In a statement, the university says the female is being cared for and safe but has not reported the incident to the University's Equality Unit.

‘’The victim is currently cared for and safe. She yesterday [Wednesday] opened a case of rape against the perpetrator with SAPS, who accompanied her to the Stellenbosch Provincial Hospital, where she was examined and also received the necessary medication, care and primary counselling,’’ read the statement.

‘’The victim has not reported the incident to the SU Equality Unit yet, but she had been provided with information on the various ways that an incident can be reported internally. She will be assisted in this regard. The University respects the wishes of the victim and her decisions,’’ it added.

The suspect will be suspended from his residence pending investigations.

This is the second student to be suspended for misconduct this week, following the suspension of Theuns du Toit, who is being investigated by police after he urinated on the study material of another student Babalo Ndwayana.

The university's deputy vice-chancellor Professor Hester Klopper says she is committed to dealing with unfair discrimination and gender-based violence.

“I confirm the University’s strict zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence, we will continue to work harder toward creating an environment free of gender-based violence that advances equal rights for all."

‘’Human dignity must be and will continue to be a non-negotiable at Stellenbosch University that will be respected, upheld and restored when affected, regardless of the transgression and without fear of or favour to an alleged perpetrator,” added Klopper.

Western Cape police spokesperson FC van Wyk says the suspect is expected to appear in court on Thursday.

"The circumstances surrounding a rape that was reported to police by a female victim are being investigated by the Stellenbosch FCS unit. It is alleged that the incident occurred at around 22:30 on Tuesday at a residence in Victoria Street, Stellenbosch."


Done By: Mitchum George

49 political members jumps ship to DA

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Cape Metro Region welcomed 49 opposition members during a special walk-over ceremony on Tuesday. In a ...