Monday, July 29, 2024

Former president, Jacob Zuma, officially expelled from ANC

The ANC has accused former president Jacob Zuma of actively impugning the integrity of the party and campaigning to dislodge it from power.

The party's secretary general, Fikile Mbalula, briefed the media on Monday, confirming the decision to expel Zuma from the party.

Zuma was suspended from the party in January, a month after he endorsed the newly formed uMkhonto weSizwe party ahead of the general elections in May.

The ANC’s National Disciplinary Committee decided to expel him after it found him guilty of founding and campaigning for the MK party.

"The charged member is found guilty of contravening rule 25. of the ANC Constitution, read with subsection (2), for prejudicing the integrity or repute of the organisation by acting in collaboration with a registered political party, to wit the uMkhonto weSizwe Party, which is not in alliance with the ANC, in a manner contrary to the aims, policies and objectives of the ANC," the NDC said in its ruling.

Briefing the media on Monday, Mbalula said Zuma's conduct breached organisational discipline and the ANC constitution.

The former president has been granted the right to approach the National Disciplinary Committee of Appeal within 21 days.


Done By: Stephanie van Rayen

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