Sunday, April 26, 2009

Two pedestrians allegedly hit by cash in transit vehicle

By Mandisi Tyuly
26 April 2009

Two pedestrians, believed to be workers from the Table Mountain National Park Silvermine, were allegedly hit by cash in transit vehicle while they were trying to cross Ou Kaapse Weg at the Silvermine Road intersection earlier this morning.

ER24 Tristan Wadeley says medical crews from Cape Medical Response, Metro EMS, ER24, fire services and a doctor in her private capacity worked hard together to stabilize the patients on scene.

One of the patients, a male around the age of twenty years old, deteriorated in the ambulance and paramedics resuscitated him to Victoria Hospital where he was declared dead, says Wadeley.

According to Wadeley the other patient, a twenty six year old female, sustained major trauma to her left leg but was in a stable condition on scene. She was taken through to Groote Schuur Hospital for further treatment.

Paramedics said thick mist might have been a contributing factor to the incident. SAPS from Fish Hoek and Traffic Department were also in attendance.

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