Monday, August 26, 2019

Senior certificate candidates who failed June 2019 examination allowed to write the November 2019 examinations

Senior certificate candidates who failed June 2019 examination allowed to write the November 2019 examinations

The Minister of Basic Education, Angie Motshekga approved June 2019 Senior Certificate candidates to re-write in November. On the 19 August 2019 till 4 September at 4pm, manual registration will be opened at circuit, district or provincial offices. From 4 September 2019 at 8am online registration will be available and will be closing at midnight on 11 September 2019.
Candidates are not allowed to write 2019 Senior Certificate exams in November if they have passes but are not satisfied with their mark but they allowed to register for the 2020 mid-year exams if they want to upgrade their marks.

The valid reasons for being absent from the June 2019 exams are:
·        You had a death in the immediate family and you’re able to show a death certificate as evidence.
·        You were ill and you are able to show a medical certificate as evidence.
·        For any other reason or circumstances beyond the control of the candidate an affidavit must be shown.
·        Candidates who did not turn u[ to write without a valid reason, do not qualify to write the November examinations.

Done by
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi
News Editor

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