Monday, September 16, 2019

Currently all Western Cape’s illegal firearms are destroyed in Gauteng, bi-annually.

Community Safety MEC, Albert Fritz said the slow rate at which illegal firearms were being destroyed was a risk to the Western Cape’s safety. He added the police recovered 1037 illegal firearms between November 2018 and August 2019 in the Western Cape. Gun Free SA’s Claire Taylor said they called on Police Minister Bheki Cele to urgently proceed with actions to recover and destroy unwanted and illegally-held guns as soon as possible. Recent crimes statistics revealed that the majority of murders are committed using firearms. 13 of the top 30 stations reporting illegal possession of firearms and ammunition are located in the Western Cape.

Earlier in the year when SAPS revealed that between November and July 2019, 1037 illegal firearms were recovered in the Western Cape. Fritz called on Police Minister Bheki Cele for firearms to be destroyed. He added illegal weapons are brought into our province through smuggling, fraud and poor enforcement of the Firearms Control Act, and loss and theft of firearms from civilians and state institutions. Residents are urged to continue making use of the Illegal Firearms Hotline, which can be contacted on 078 330 9333.

At the same time in the year a 13-year-old boy was caught with a gun in Cravenby allegedly on his way to school to threaten another pupil.  Minister of Community Safety Albert Fritz offered three suggestions for curbing gun violence in the province.
1.     SAPS should restrict the sale of ammunition and cartridges to dealers.
2.     Develop an electronic tracking system for firearms linked to the Central Firearm Register and Minister of Community Safety.
3.     Develop a Provincial Firearm and Ammunition Control Act to allow for provinces to interfere in illegal activities surrounding firearms.

According to the Institute for Security Studies shows three main avenues for guns entering the illegal market are fraud and corruption, smuggling, and loss and theft. Guns involved in with criminal activities are usually purchased legally and then reacquired through illegal means.
According to the in 2018, 5 350 000 South Africans have guns in their possession, but only 3 000 000 were licensed. According to Guns Free South Africa 9 855 guns are either lost or stolen each year.

What are your thoughts towards illegal firearms and the use of it? Let us know on

Done By
Jasmine Johnson-Mazwi
News Editor

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