Monday, December 12, 2022

DBE confirmed it was investigating cheating allegations

The Department of Basic Education confirmed that it launched an investigation into allegations that over 1000 pupils cheated in the recent national senior certificate exams involving 1189 pupils from six provinces.

More than half of these learner at 1127 are all allegedly from schools in Mpumalanga where pupils allegedly paid teachers up to R1 500 to join WhatsApp groups where answers were posted while exams were in session. According to reports some teachers and invigilators provided answers to pupils during toilet breaks and even passed crib notes to them in exam halls.

Minister David Manier said that an urgent investigation will be conducted to protect the integrity of the exams. 

“Unfortunately, despite our reminder last month that cheating is not worth it, we have had a total of 15 reports of candidates allegedly bringing cellphones into the exam room,  and 14 reports of candidates allegedly bringing in unauthorized material or “crib notes”, said Manier.

He added that hearings are being conducted against these accused, and that they will be given a fair chance to respond to the allegations.

by Everngelista Muza

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