Friday, June 07, 2024

By elections to take place in three Cape Town wards in June

Applications for Special Voting for by elections scheduled for later this month, in Ward 64, 105 and 113 will close at 5pm on Friday.

ARCHIVE: Bush Radio

The IEC in the Western Cape says by-elections in areas such as Muizenberg, Fishhoek, Fisantekraal, Durbanville, Milnerton, Table View, and surrounding areas are scheduled to take place on 19 June

IEC Provincial Head, Michael Hendrickse, reminded eligible voters that a registered voter who can’t vote at their voting station on Election Day, can apply for a Special Vote to vote the day before at the voting station where they are registered to vote, or if a registered voter who is sick or disabled and cannot travel to their voting station, may apply for a home visit at their residence which must be situated in their voting district in the ward.


Done by: Mitchum George

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