Monday, April 07, 2008

Thubelisha Homes want Frank Martin off N2 Gateway Project

By Henry Booysen
07 April 2008

Housing developer Thubelisha Homes has urged its lawyers to search for ways to keep controversial Cape Town DA Councillor Frank Martin off the N2 Gateway Project.

According to Project Manager Prince Xhanti Sigcawu, Martin has been an obstruction at the N2 Gateway Project especially after he had told backyard dwellers to invade temporary relocation houses in Delft.

“We are saying that he must now put his gloves away and move away from the N2 Gateway Project,” says Prince Sigcawu.

It is believed that at a meeting which was held in Delft last week Martin had used crude and divisive racial arguments to motivate the December invasion.

“He wants people to act against the project that the government is delivering to the people of the Western Cape,” he said.

The project developer is also requesting the City of Cape Town to take steps to prohibit unlawful conduct by Councillor Martin.

Attempts to contact Frank Martin for comment were unsuccessful.

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