Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cape Chamber welcomes Sanral’s decision on Cape e-tolls

Loyiso Langeni
13 August 2014

The Cape Chamber of Commerce and Industry has welcomed the announcement by the South African National Roads Agency that there will be no e-tolling in the Western Cape. 

Cape Chamber President Janine Myburgh said they are concerned that if the toll roads go ahead, toll fees will start low but increase regularly as what happened to other toll roads in the country.

Myburgh said the major cost for toll roads was the actual construction cost. This was usually financed by some form of bond or loan and repayments would not vary much over the 20 or 30 years of the loan so there would be little justification for the kind of annual increases we have seen for the Huguenot Tunnel and Chapman’s Peak.

“According to Sanral the payways would be built by a contractor who would raise his own finance, manage the project and then transfer it free of charge to Sanral at the end of the concession period” Myburgh added.

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