Sunday, January 31, 2016

A little girl died and nine others injured

Raymond Pani
31 January 2016

A seven year old girl died and nine other people were injured in a crash between a bakkie and a car in Durban on Saturday night. 

Netcare 911 spokesperson Chris Botha said “Paramedics rushed out to the N2 south bound in Durban, where a bakkie hit with another vehicle".

"When we arrived there, we found a 7 year old girl tragedly died from injuries she sustained. Further nine people were injured, they were treated and transported to a nearby hospital for further care", He explained.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

76-year-old man killed in KZN

Raymond Pani
30 January 2016

A 76-year-old man was killed last night when he was struck by a vehicle on the P483 between Madadeni and Osizweni in KZN. ER24 spokesperson Weiner Vermaak said

“Shortly before 9pm paramedics from ER24 were returning from an incident when they noticed a vehicle suddenly swerve into the emergency lane next to them", said Weiner Vermaak.

"They immediately made a U-Turn to enquire if they could be of assistance", added Vermaak.

"When they arrived at the vehicle they found that it collided with a pedestrian. The 76-year-old was found with fatal injuries. Unfortunately, there was nothing that paramedics could do for him and he was declared dead on scene. The driver of the vehicle was in shock and assessed on scene", He explained.

New born found in aplastic bag in the North West.

Siphelo Bayana
30 January 2016

A new born baby was found in a plastic bag last night outside in stillfontein,north west.

Werner Vermak said…“Shortly after half past six paramedics were called through to the scene by home owners, they found a plastic bag and they investigated, the reason why they investigated is because they heard a cries.

When they opened the bag they found a little baby boy no more than a few hours old.

Paramedics arrived on the scene they said the baby appeared to be in a healthy condition however still transported him to the hospital for further observations.

The exact incident will be investigated by police”.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Man sentenced to 48 years, for raping 12 year old girls, cousins of his

Chumani Simelela
29 January 2016

The South African National Civic Organisation yesterday hailed the 48 year jail term, given to a 22 year-old KwaZulu-Natal man, for raping his young nieces, who were between the ages of eight and 12 years old. As a victory against child abuse and gender based violence. 

He added…‘’We would like to as SANCO welcome a decision by the court to sentence a 22 year old a KZN man to 48 years in jail for having over a few years abused children aged around 12 years’’.

‘’We believe the crime committed by this person to children is an abuse and we condemn it as SANCO. We believe that is the betrayal of the trust by an uncle who was trusted by this child for so many years’’.

 He concluded by saying…’’Also that even friends to this child who was abused by this person is something that is very deplorable’’.

Little girl injured in Merry-go-round

Simamkele Vakaza
29 January 2016

A girl, believed to be 8-years-old, injured her leg this afternoon when it got caught beneath a merry-go-round in Keaurboom Park near Kennilworth in the Western Cape.

“ER24 paramedics, along with Fire and Rescue, arrived at the park and were ushered to the playground where the girl was stuck”, said Russel Meiring.

“On assessment, paramedics found the young patient lying next to the merry-go-round with her right leg trapped beneath”, said Meiring.

He added that.. “Rescue services had to use the jaws-of-life equipment to lift the merry-go-round off the child’s leg”.

COPE Executive Committee to visit Free State

Simamkele Vakaza
29 January 2016

Congress of the People Executive Committee will be visiting the Free State on Sunday, to meet with the COPE Provincial Committee and Public Representative of the party in that province

“The Congress of the People National Committee will visit the Free State on Sunday, for preparation and briefing by the provincial executive for them to brief the executive for their readiness for the coming local Government elections” , said Dennis Bloem.

“Mr Lekota the President will visit all other structures on Sunday”, Bloem added.

Marikana victims pin hopes for closure on Lawyers meeting

Siphelo Bayana
29 January 2016

Government lawyers will today meet with legal representatives of the claimants of the 2012 Marikana shooting in Sandton.

Rehad Desai said… “This morning the lawyers are meeting with the lawyers that have been appointed by the state to negotiate a civil suit of R1 billion launched by the injured, arrested miners, and the widows of the miners.

We are hoping that the state brings a swift conclusion to this matter.

The president himself says he supports compensation rather than link the legal proceeding which will be taking years.

We think it’s right that people get compensated but we must not mix it up with justice.”

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Human Right Violation Report document to be released

Simamkele Vakaza
28 January 2016

A report documenting the Human Rights Violation experienced by people who use drugs in 3 cities in South Africa will be released at a press conference at RUN2016 SA Drug Policy Week.

Advocacy and Psychosocial Coordinator, Shaun Shelly says the 246 human rights abuses recorded, which range from assault and extortion to having medicine confiscated, make it more difficult for people who use drugs to access health services. Shelly explains that

The RUN2016 SA Drug Policy week there will be a press conference where we will be distributing and highlighting a human rights violation report that has been developed as part of the service delivery program for the step-up project which delivers HIV prevention services to people around South Africa.

He says that “The press conference will take place on Wednesday, 3rd February, Sun Hotel Newlands.”

WC MEC for Economic Opportunities welcomed Queen Elizabeth Cruise-Liner

Nontando Mafanya
28 January 2016

The Western Cape MEC of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde has welcomed the Queen Elizabeth Cruise- Liner which arrived in Cape Town this week.

The vessel witch is carrying 3000 passengers and crew, departed for Sydney today. MEC spokesperson, Bronwynne Jooste says…….

The Western Cape is prepared to welcome thousands of visitors over the next four months.

She says, today MEC Winde welcomed the Queen Elizabeth Cruise-Liner to Cape Town.

She added that “MEC Winde says these events include sporting, and government, and as well as conferences are major job creators.

3 people died and 8 injured in a head-on collision

Chumani Simelela
28 January 2016

3 people have been killed and 8 other people have been injured, two are in a critical condition and six others have sustained serious injuries. .. 

Athlenda Mathe says

This follows the head-on collision between a taxi and a truck on the R28 near Carletonville this morning.

She says” Medical Net Care 911 crew and other services were on scene earlier.”

The Net Care 911 helicopter was also dispatched to the scene to airlift two critical injured people to a nearby hospital for further medical care, she concluded.

3 dead and 9 injured in truck and Taxi collision

Raymond Pani
28 January 2016

Three men have been killed and nine others injured this morning following a head-on collision on the R28 near Vereeniging on the borders of Westonaria Russel Meiring said

“ER24 paramedics, along with various services, responded to the scene to find the truck and taxi parked on the side of the road. The taxi had been completely smashed up against the front of the truck.
Metro services closed off the road while paramedics and fire services assessed the scene.

On assessment, paramedics found that three men had already succumbed to their injuries prior to the arrival of paramedics. Two of the deceased were found lying trapped inside the taxi while the third was found lying outside the taxi.

Nothing more could be done for these patients and they were later declared dead on scene.

Nine other patients were found on scene with injuries ranging from minor to critical. Some of these patients also lay trapped inside the wrecked taxi.
Rescue workers had to use the jaws-of-life equipment to free the patients from the wreckage.

Once freed, paramedics treated the patients and provided the critically injured patients with advanced life support interventions.
One critically injured patient was airlifted by the ER24 helicopter while the second was airlifted by a private medical helicopter.
The remaining patients were treated and transported to various hospitals in the area for further treatment.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The ANC is less committed to building South Africa, says COPE

Chumani Simelela

27 January 2016

The Congress of the People is strongly arguing the statement made by the ANC, that OUTA is representing and defending only those who are white and rich, saying ‘’it defies logic’’. Dennis Bloem, COPE’s spokes-person said that even the members of the ANC campaign against them. 

They believe (COPE) that the ANC should show some boldness and put up the e-tolling as the lead item on its manifesto since nearing logal government elections.

Dennis Bloem said….‘’The Congress of the People, wants to condemn with the strongest possible terms, the unwarranted attack by the ANC MP’s on outa. This is totally unacceptable’’. ‘’

‘’There is no way that these people, can claim. The ANC can claim, that outa stands for only the rich and not the poor. That is totally not true’’.

‘’They are claiming that outa have now changed their stand, on e-tolls. But that is lies because outa is still standing firm on their stand point.

He concluded and said..."We want to make it clear, as the cope that we are supporting outa in this campaign like the SACP and Cosatu the alliance partners of the ANC, are also part and parcel of this campaign against the e-tolls of the ANC’’.

WC MEC of Community Safety, Plato salutes the everyday heroes

 Simamkele Vakaza
27 January 2016

The celebration of National Police Day today, asks of all South Africans to remember the sacrifices that the Men and Women in blue make every day to provide safety service delivery for all who live in the country.

Minister Plato salutes the everyday Heroes who serve the communities tirelessly.

He encourages people in the Western Cape to report positive stories about their interactions with the police.

MEC Spokesperson Ewald Botha explains…..

Mr Plato salutes their every effort to do their job despite the recent frustrates they endure and the backlash they might face and critics as they try to uphold the law and keep everyone safe.”

He added that “Mr Plato wishes that every person in the province and South Africa will understand that although that bad habits exists in SAPS, there are hundreds and thousands of others that are good.

80 students awarded study bursaries by the City of Cape Town

 Simamkele Vakaza
27 January 2016

The City of Cape Town’s Mayoral Committee has approved the list of beneficiaries for the Social Development and Early Childhood Development Directorate’s first ever allocation of grant-in-aid funding.

The matter will go before full Council tomorrow for final approval.

 At the beginning of the 2015/16 financial year, the Directorate issued a call for community organisations working across the same areas of focus to apply for access to a share of the R2 million that was made available.

Mayoral Committee Member for Social Development and Early Childhood Development, Suzette Little says…..

“Our Youth of today are our future generation of leaders and the best legacy we can leave behind is to up-skill them and given the tools to take this country forward successfully.

She says “The tough economic climate is increasingly taking its toll on households with many having to prioritise basic necessities to survive.”
She added that “This means less or no income left to fund tertiary studies and often may learners have to go out and seek employment to supplement household income.”

A lack of further education just perpetuates the cycle of poverty. We therefore see our external bursary program as one of our key projects to create economic freedom for our future generation of residents. External bursaries were handed to 80 students today towards students who are going to study in more than 40 fields for the 2016 academic year. They were chosen out of 3 816 bursary applications, and mentors will be assigned to each student, and upon completion of their studies, they will be placed in the funded position at the City of Cape Town for the period of the same duration for which the bursary was granted, she concluded”

A man was killed and five others injured in an accident

Nontando mafanya
26 January 2016

A man was killed and five others injured late last night after several vehicles collided on the N2 in Macassar near Somerset west in the western cape.

ER24 Spokesperson Russel  Meiring says… “ER24 paramedics, along with other services, arrived on scene and found that several vehicles had been involved in the collision.”

“On, assessment paramedics found a lifeless body of a man lying a few metres away from bakkie .unfortunately the man had already succumbed to his multiple fatal injuries after he was flung off the back of the bakkie.”   He added

“He was later declared dead on scene. Five other patients were found on scene with minor to moderate injuries. Paramedics treated the patients and thereafter transported them to Heldeburg hospital for further treatment.” He concluded 

5 people were injured when a taxi crashed into a pole on the M1.

Siphelo Bayana

27 January 2016

Five people were injured when a taxi crashed into a pole aon the M1 in Chatsworth, KwaZulu-Natal.

Chitra Bodasing said… “When ER24 paramedics and Fire and Rescue arrived on scene, they found the taxi laying on it’s side next to the pole.

Seven people who were found on the side of the road next to the taxi and walking around on scene were assessed.

One man was found to have sustained serious injuries, one woman was found to have sustained moderate injuries and three men sustained minor injuries.

Fortunately two people were uninjured.

All injured patients were treated and transported to hospital for further medical care.

Authorities were on scene for further investigations.”  
The exact cause of the incident is unknown.

Monday, January 25, 2016

ANC-YL High level meeting with SRC’s

Simamkele Vakaza
26 January 2016

The month of January marks the beginning of a new Calendar Year for Education. The ANC Youth League acknowledges that this particular calendar year comes at an opportune time when students from across the country took a stand on a variety of challenges that affect student life at University and made those challenges known to the Country.

“The National Leadership of the ANC Youth League along with its Regional leadership in the Dullah Omar inspired by the great leadership, of SASCO in the past year convened yesterday a high level meeting Western Cape with the SRC’s in Cape Town at the Fire and Ice Hotel” said Yonela Diko.

“The major purpose they wanted to unpack practical’s some of the decisions made by the Department of Education and the ANC MEC’s Education subcommittee with regard to
1. Student registration
2. Historic debt

3. The current year’s financial obligation and of course the further question of university access”, He Explained.

Two people died and 19 injured in an accident

Nontandono Mafanya
25 January 2016

One person was killed and 17 others injured in a collision involving a taxi and a bakkie that occurred earlier this afternoon. The collision occurred on the R71 about ten kilometres from Tzaneen.

ER24 Spokesperson Peter Rasouw says… “When ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene they found that over and above the deceased patient, all the other injuries were minor to moderate.”

“Amongst the injuries was a pregnant woman.ER24 treated and transported two patients to Van Velden Memorial Hospital for further treatment.” He added

The remaining patients were treated and transported to hospital by other medical services on scene. The cause of the collision remains unknown, local authorities were on scene for further investigation.  

Meanwhile three people were killed and at least nine were injured in a collision between a bakkie and the light motor vehicle the collision occurred on the N4 near Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga.

ER24 Spokesperson Pieter Rossouw “when ER24 paramedics arrived on scene they found that both occupants of the light motor vehicle sustained fatal injuries”

“The driver of the bakkie was also killed and front passenger of the bakkie sustained critical injuries. The critical injured patient was airlifted to Rob Ferreira Hospital for urgent medical treatment.” He added

The remaining patients were allegedly on the back of the bakkie. They all sustained injuries ranging from minor to moderate.”

“ER24 treated and transported two patience to Rob Ferreira Hospital. The remaining patients were treated and transported to hospital by other medical services on scene.”

The cause of the collision remains unknown, local authorities were on scene for further investigation. The area where the collision occurred is still closed for investigation.” He concluded

A series of rape incidents at the Rhodes Memorial

Chumani Simelela
25 January 2016

A warning has been issued about the danger in the vicinity of the Rhodes Memorial after two students were raped in a period of months. With the latest incident happening on the 19 January 2016 it has become a huge concern.

A campus-wide alert has been alarmed to caution students and staff. Police spokes-person Captain FC Van Wyk incidents of rape are being investigated.

“We can confirm that in the month of December 2015, a second incident involved at the UCT student reported on the 10 of October 2016. Both these issues are reported no arrest has been made as yet. Investigation continues”.

He added….”Anyone with any information about these two cases is currently requested to contact crime stop on 08600 10111 or Mowbray Police for further information”.

3 Men arrested in Philippi for shooting Police on patrol duty

Siphelo Bayana
25 January 2015

3 Men who were arrested over the weekend in Philippi are set to appear in the Athlone magistrate court facing charges of attempted murder, possession of an illegal fire arm and ammunition and malicious damage to property.

FC Van Wyk said... "On Friday after noon at about 15:40 member of operation combat were on patrol duties in John Walk, Handover park.

They noticed three suspicious men and stopped to search them, while getting out of the police vehicle one of the men took out a fire arm and fired at the members, four shots hit the left side of the vehicle the suspects then fled the scene in the direction of philippi.

Members then gathered information in the area and the suspects were arrested later that day.

Our members were unarmed in this shooting incident and we have opened an attempted murder, possession of prohibited fire arm and ammunition and also malicious damage to property for further investigations these suspects aged between 18 and 32 are to appear in the Athlone Magistrate court today."

Two adults and a baby died when a truck went off the road

Nontando Mafanya
21 January 2016

Two adults and a baby sadly died when a truck went off the road and down an embankment on the R40 Bulumbu road in Barberton earlier.

The truck rolled about several metres baeberton earlier today.
ER24 Spokesperson chidra bodasing says… “ER24 paramedics, working on fire and other services attended to the incident.”

“Upon assessment it was found that she sustained multiple severe injuries.sadly there was nothing that could be done for her.”

“She was declared dead. The body of man, believed to be the driver of the truck, and were found beneath some of the truck debris.”

“Sadly they had succumbed to serve burn wounds. The axact cause of the incident is unknown.” she concluded

Authorities were on scene to investigate further. 

DA going after Department of Social Development

Raymond Pani
22 January 2016

The Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister of Social Development, Bridget Masango, will deliver a memorandum to the Department of Social Development’s Head Office today.
Press officer of the DA Luvuyo Ndlangisa said “
Today the Democratic Alliance Shadow minister of social development, Bridget Masango will deliver a memorandum to the department of social developments head of Pretoria.
 Ms Masango will be joined by Lindy Wilson, DA Show Deputy Minister of social development, and Karen de cock DA member on the social development portfolio committee.
The memorandum is a call to the minister to act urgently to provide jobs for more than 2500 social worker bursary holders, who were to be promised jobs by the department but remain unemployed.

 They must give the opportunity to contribute to provide much needed essential services and social assistance to South Africans across the country”.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Collision in Mpumalanga leaving three dead and nine injured

Simamkele Vakaza
24 January 2016

Three people were killed and at least nine others were injured in a collision between a bakkie and a light motor vehicle. The collision occurred on the N4 near Waterval Boven, Mpumalanga.

“ER24 paramedics arrived on the scene they found that both occupants of the light motor vehicle sustained fatal injuries. The driver of the bakkie was also killed and the front passenger of the bakkie sustained critical injuries” said Pieter Rossouw.

“The critically injured patient was airlifted to Rob Ferreira Hospital for urgent medical treatment. The remaining patients were allegedly on the back of the bakkie”, added Rossouw.

He added that… “The cause of the collision remains unknown, local authorities were on the scene for further investigation”.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Raymond Pani
22 January 2016

The City of Cape Town’s Health Directorate is excited about the roll-out of Free- Call lines at twenty-four clinics across the city and the implications that this has for service delivery, specifically at clinics, the City said in a statement issued today.

City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Health, Siyabulela Mamkeli says Free Call lines at City Clinics will aid residents to provide constructive feedback to the City
Siyabulela Mamkeli said

“Clients can use the free call to log any enquiries or complaints they have about any city services delivery issue or concerns, but they can use it to log any issues at our clinics.

 I believe any constructive feedback has the potential to improve our services at any clinics and our communities at large”. 

2 women died and 14 others injured

Nontando Mafanya
22 January 2016

Two women died and atleast 14 people were injured when a taxi believed to be travelling from Maputo rolled on the N12 about 20 km past Witbank direction Johannesburg in the early hours of this morning.

ER24 spokesperson says… “When ER24 paramedics and other services arrived on scene they found the taxi lying on its side on the road close to the taxi.”

“Upon assessment by paramedics it was found that the woman, one believed to be in her 30’s and the other in her 40’s, had succumbed to their injuries.

“The patients, including the taxi driver, were found to have sustained minor to moderate injuries. Among them was a boy believed to be seven years old.”

“All patients were treated and transported to hospital for further medical care.the axact cause unknown of the incident is unknown. Authorises were on scene to investigate further.”  

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Three suspects were arrested for illegal possession of abalone

21JANUARY 2016

Continued attempts to crack down on the transporting of drugs and illicit goods via main and secondary entry and exit routes to and from the Western Cape Province is yielding yet again positive results. This follows the confiscation of abalone with an estimated value of approximately R1 million on Tuesday. Police Spokesperson Captain Malcom Potjie explains…….

Captain Malcome pojie says …“Provincial traffic department pulled over a WV kombi that was en-route to Johannesburg, on the N1 between Laingsburg and beaufort- west”.

“They discovered 56 plastic bags filled with more than 5000 units of abalone is as estimated of about R6000.00 in the kombi.”

“Subsequent to the discovery the arrested two suspects were handed over to police detained them.”

“It was handed over to officials of department of agriculture, forestry and fisheries for further disposal”.
“The two gentleman already appeared in the magistrate court today and were remanded in custody until the 27 January 2016 for the a formal bail application”

 Meanwhile, Visible Policing members attached to Ladysmith SAPS attended an accident scene between Barrydale and Ladysmith yesterday, where they discovered abalone to the estimated value of about Four-hundred-thousand rand in the car involved in the accident.

 Captain Malcome pojie says…“We also arrested a man that was involved in an accident near Lady Smith in the Western Cape. He lost control in his vehicle about 2km.”

“He was also confiscated and handed over the officials of department of agriculture .the 37 year old drive are due to appeared in the magistrate court today for the illegal possession of abalone.”

Three dead in a collusion

Nontando Mafanya
21 January 2016

 Two adults and a baby sadly died when a truck went off the road and down an embankment on the R40 Bulumbu road in Barberton earlier.

The truck rolled about several metres baeberton earlier today.
ER24 Spokesperson chidra bodasing says… “ER24 paramedics, working on fire and other services attended to the incident.”

“Upon assessment it was found that she sustained multiple severe injuries.sadly there was nothing that could be done for her.”

“She was declared dead. The body of man, believed to be the driver of the truck, and were found beneath some of the truck debris.”

“Sadly they had succumbed to serve burn wounds. The axact cause of the incident is unknown.” she concluded

Authorities were on scene to investigate further. 

COPE questions, the new advisory panel by parliament spokesperson

Raymond Pani
21 January 2016

The Speaker of Parliament has appointed former President Kgalema Montlanthe to chair an advisory panel that will look at law making since 1994 in order to assess how these laws have impacted on reversing poverty, unemployment and inequality.

Congress of the people is highly contesting the decision about the panel, COPE’s spokesperson Dennis Bloem Said

 spokesperson Dennis Bloem Said “We have serious questions about the advisory panel. We want to know what powers the panel has. Who do they report to, was the parliament involved in the decision of this panel appointment, is there a budget allocated for the panel and who approved the budget.”

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

COPE rejects Eskom’s tariff increase

Chumani Simelela
20 January 2016

Eskom wants to increase electricity tariffs so as top be able to cover the R11.7 bn to cover its revenue shortfall. Which when broken down is R8bn for the cost of operating the open cycle gas turbines and R2.4bn for incurring primary energy costs.

In a statement issue, COPE says instead of stifling consumers with cost overruns and the outcome of poor people management, Eskom should seek new technologies to achieve optimal economy of scale and reduced cost of electricity production.

COPE’s spokes-person Dennis Bloem says. ”This will cripple the economy very badly, the poorest of the poor will feel the pinch more than any other person”.

And also the farmers will have it very difficult to produce food for the country. He added “That’s why we are saying that Eskom must not be given that lee-way to increase electricity tariffs”.

COSATU met with the ANC for the Tax Amendment law

Simamkele Vakaza
20 January 2016

The Congress of South African Trade Unions says in a statement, it can confirm that it met with the ANC on Monday regarding concerns about the new tax amendment laws and its effects on worker’s retirement funds.

“At our meeting we made clear to the ANC that this issue is the mandate for the workers.  The Congress gave us a mandate to oppose this law and COSATU is not going to abandon that mandate”, said Sizwe Pamla.

He added that… “The ANC understood our reasons why we oppose this law although they understood it, but they couldn’t really come up with a solution to the pass between us and the Government”.

“So they then promised that they were going to go back to engage with treasuries and other government stakeholders. So what does that mean, it means that nothing has changed”, said Pamla.

The Western Cape Government is concerned about Droughts and Scarcity of Water in South Africa

Raymond Pani
20 January 2016

In a statement issued today, the Western Cape Government says it will this week table a report on the impact of the draught in the province at a meeting of the Agriculture’s MEC’s.

Western Cape MEC of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde will table the report at the MINMEC meeting which will take place in Gauteng on Friday. MEC spokesperson Bronwynne Jooste said
“The drought in the province has already cost the country more than 2 billion in trade losses”.

Meanwhile The ANC Youth League has accused advocate Dali Mpofu of being a racist sympathizer.

In a statement issued on Tuesday night, the youth league referred to the advocate as a hypocrite who thrives on port politics.

 The statement was in response to news that the EFF's Mpofu would represent radio and television personality, Gareth Cliff, in his civil case against M-Net. 

Cliff was dismissed by the channel after public outcry about his response to a tweet by real estate agent, Penny Sparrow, who referred to black people as monkeys.

Twitter users lashed out at Cliff after he referred to Sparrow's sentiment as freedom of speech.

He apologized a day later. While Mpofu's decision to represent Cliff has been met with some criticism, his party, the EFF, has defended his stance.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

A warning on a soccer scam

Simamkele Vakaza
19 January 2016

The Western Cape Social Development has confirmed that five boys who were under its care have returned back to KwaZulu-Natal safely.

 It is believed that the boys were left stranded after being deceived into travelling to Cape Town for a scam promising them places at a top soccer club’s training academy.

“The five boys are safe back in KwaZulu-Natal. We are now working with the Department of KwaZulu-Natal social development, to look at the integration of three other boys”, said Albert Fritz.

 “Two of them are now back, reunited with their families, we just very happy the children are safe”, said Fritz.

He added that… “We want to repeat our warning to parents to please make any effort to make sure their children, when  they leave home from one province that they are going to a secure place and secondly a contract if it’s a soccer club or something that they supposed to go to that there is a type of contract”.

N11 collision left three dead and two injured

Simamkele Vakaza
19 January 2016

Three men were declared dead and two women sustained critical injuries in a collision between two trucks on the N1 Amajuba Pass. It is understood that the trucks, one travelling towards Newcastle and other towards Volksrust collided head on.

“On arrival ER24 paramedics, provincial paramedics and other services found that three men were ejected from one of the trucks”, said Chitra Bodasing.

“They were found on the road, they were assessed. Sadly there was nothing that could be done for them, they had succumbed to the injuries” added Bodasing.

“Two women, one of them had to be removed from the same truck and other was found on the side of the road, were assessed and found to be in a critical condition”, said Bodasing.

“They were treated and transported to local hospitals for further medical care, the driver of the truck was uninjured” explained Bodasing.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Two accidents left 20 people injured in Johannesburg

Simamkele Vakaza
15 January 2016

A total of 20 people were injured in two separate collisions in Benoni east of Johannesburg.
The collisions occurred within minutes of one another between six thirty and seven am this Morning.

“When ER24 paramedics arrived on scene they found that all six patients fortunately only sustained minor injuries”, said Pieter Rossouw.

“ER24 treated and transported the four children and their father to Lynnwood Hospital for further treatment”, He explained.

Meanwhile the second incident involved two taxis and left 14 people with minor injuries.

He added “ER24 paramedics treated and transported a total of eight patients to Sunshine Hospital for further treatment”.

“The remaining patients were transported by other medical services to the same hospital”, He explained.

IFP is against dumping of US meat in this Country

Simamkele Vakaza
15 January 2016

The Inkatha Freedom Party has placed an emphasis on the dumping of foreign food in South Africa.

 In a statement issued, IFP spokesperson Nkosi Cebekhulu says should dumped US meat be allowed to enter South Africa , it will become a burden on the farmers, effectively shutting out emerging farmers.

“The fact that America forces South Africa to accept the delivery of those Chickens into South Africa”, said Nkosi Cebekhulu.

“When it is alleged numerous diseases. America brings in cheaper stuff into South Africa, it’s difficult for our farmers”, explained Cebekhulu.

 He added “Because those cheap stuff from America are subsidised. Whereas our own government does not subsides poultry farmers”. 

Cosatu in agreement with the ANC to standardise pension funds

Chumani Simelela

15 January 2016

Cosatu has been dishing a ‘war-talk’ the Congress of the People spokes person Dennis Bloem said. He says they are acting as being against the Tax Laws Amendment Act and the Tax Administration Laws Act to be standardised, to the extent to which pension funds can be accessed on termination of employment.

Dennis Bloem said…”Most of their senior members are sitting in Parliament and in cabinet and voted in favour of that bill”.

“Cosatu president Dlamini is an ANC member, he knows very well what the decisions of Government is, so we are not being fooled”.

“And the workers will never be fooled, because these people are only playing for a gallery they know very well.

He conclude by saying...”It is very clear that Cosatu has become now a labour desk now and nothing else in the ANC”.

5 people to appear in court for illegal plantation of dagga

Simamkele Vakaza
15 January 2016

Five people are due in the Athlone Magistrates Court today after police swooped on a dagga plantation with an estimated street value of R1,7 million in Philippi.

A tip-off from the community led to the discovery of the plantation yesterday morning.

The suspects, four men and a woman, are between the ages of 26 and 43. The police’s Frederik van Wyk explains….

Yesterday morning between 5:30 and 10:00 o’clock Police members attest to a crime conducted in operation at Magasgavi in Philippi after they received a tip of from the community of illegal plantation of dagga in that area. All suspects will appear in Athlone Magistrate Court today on charges of plantation of illegal dagga.” Van Wyk concluded. 

Match fixing scandal affects Cricket South Africa negatively

Siphelo Bayana
15 January 2016

Former Proteas bowler Paul Harris says the match fixing scandal involving Gulam Bodi has affected cricket South Africa negatively.

Bodi, a former opening batsman and spinner who retired in 2014 has been charged by CSA with contriving to fix, or otherwise improperly influence aspects of the Ram Slam Twenty20 competition last year.

Harris says if Bodi has done something wrong then a stricter punishment should be given to prevent others from doing the same thing.

Meanwhile Proteas batsman, Dean Elgar says the third test match currently underway at the Wanderers in Johannesburg against England is a must win.

Elgar says despite Quinton de Kock’s freak injury, as professional players the squad has continued as usual and taken the disruptions in their stride….

There is absolutely nothing you can do to attack a strong unit. It’s one of those things you got to adapt to as a professional player like I mention it was very unfortunate that it happened to Quinie, seems to happen to him a lot, but it’s just one of those challenges that we’ve based with and just have to deal with.” Elgar concludes.

49 political members jumps ship to DA

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Cape Metro Region welcomed 49 opposition members during a special walk-over ceremony on Tuesday. In a ...