Saturday, February 24, 2007

Cape Town contract teacher angered over no pay

B y Tarryn Le Chat
24 February 2007

A Western Cape contact teacher who has not been paid since the start of the school year says he is ‘fed up’ with begging for his salary.

Roy Prinsloo, a contact teacher at Cathkin Secondary School in Heideveld, has been trying for three weeks to find out why he has not yet been paid.

Prinsloo is a member of the South African Forum for Freelance Educators. The forum was launched last year after a number of contact teachers had similar pay problems.

Jonavon Rustin, provincial secretary of the South Africa Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) said that it was unacceptable that educators work don’t get paid at the end of the month.

Rustin said that the union was advocating for all contact teachers to be made permanent to avoid similar situations.

Gert Witbooi, spokesperson for Education MEC Cameron Dugmore said the department was looking into the matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would just like to say so that i completely identify with the teacher who has not yet been paid.i have gone through similar situations for 12 years of my life,eventually we decided to pack up and seek greener pastures because the wced certainly does not appreciate their contract teachers.I still cannot believe that I wasted 12 yrs of my life struggling to become permanent.the one benefit in not being permanent is that you are free to really is better teaching out of south africa.i may sound unpatriotic but thats exactly how i feel.i've been let down by so many principals and written my hands raw applying for posts in the bulletin to no advice to the teacher is apply for work online and get out of that country.I am teaching in kuwait now and happily earning 3 times what I could earn at home.they love us here because s.a teachers are hard,loyal workers.sorry wced ,julle maak dit nog nie.......

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