Sunday, February 25, 2007

No more tasty food for Shaik

By Odette Ismail
25 February 2007

Correctional Services Minister Ngconde Balfour has ordered that convicted fraudster Schabir Shaik goes back to eating the normal meals served at the Westville prison.

Shaik has been enjoying tasty foods at St Augustine hospital for 83 days after becoming ill.

A source told reporters that menu at the hospital was quite lavish. Breakfasts would include eggs, croissants, pancakes, sausages, fruit and muesli. Where lunch and supper would be roast chicken, curry, trammezini etc, with delicious desserts.

Former inmates told the Weekend Argus that these foods will not be found on the menu at the prison.

Meals at the prison is believed to be maize meal in the morning, bread and various gravies and vegetables and supper consisted of more bread again with a cold orange juice.

The prison’s panel of doctors confirmed Shaik’s condition stable to return to prison.

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