Monday, September 13, 2010

12 suspects arrested for drugs and 13 for drunk driving

Jurina Nkwazi
13 September 2010

The City's Metro Police Officers arrested thirteen motorists for drunk driving whilst twelve suspects were arrested for drugs and suspected stolen goods across the city over the weekend.

Three suspects were arrested in Westlake Saturday morning.

Metro Police Deputy Chief Yolanda Faro said the officers executed search warrants at a house in Otto crescent where two suspects were arrested for possession of drugs and suspected stolen goods. One male was later arrested for possession of dagga.

Police confiscated 85 mandrax tablets, 14 half mandrax tablets, 32 tik lollies, an apple laptop, laptop bag, mouse and a charger, 2 spectra technology swipe card machine, 4 swipe card machine batteries, 2 chargers and cables.

Meanwhile, at a roadblock in Philippi five motorists were arrested for drunk driving, whilst one was arrested for possession of heroin and 158 packets of Heroin were confiscated.

Two motorists were arrested in Atlantis for the drunk driving whilst another one was arrested in Uitzig for the same offence, and the other two suspects were arrested for possession of dagga.

On Friday in Long Street the Metro’s substance abuse unit arrested a Nigerian citizen for possession and dealing of drugs and confiscated three packets of Tik. The same team arrested one suspect for Possession of Tik in Manenberg.

Faro said we will continue with random stop and searches to make our roads safer and communities free of drugs. Members of the public are again urged to give City law enforcement officers their continuous support in this regard.

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