Thursday, June 15, 2023

Cape of Good Hope SPCA Inspector escapes hijacking incident in Khayelitsha

A Cape of Good Hope SPCA Cadet Inspector quick thinking saw him survive a hijacking incident in Khayelitsha on Tuesday night, when the SPCA vehicle he was driving was intercepted by 6 armed men.

Nkosi Sindiwe said he was driving in Khayelitsha at around 19:30, when two vehicles, one in the front and one behind him blocked the road and 6 armed men appeared. Two of them were on each side of the vehicle and they banged on the driver’s window with a gun.

Sindiwe says he had to open the door, fearing that they would have shot him.

‘’I turned off the vehicle because I knew they wouldn’t be able to start it without the transponder tag to override the immobiliser system.  I was trying to save the car because the SPCA desperately needs it to rescue animals but it didn’t work. They pointed the gun at me again and I had to show them how to start the bakkie.  They then robbed me of my wallet and cellphone, handcuffed me and threw me in the back of the bakkie and started driving. I was scared for my life but glad that there were no animals in my vehicle and I only had to think of how to save myself,’’ explains a traumatized, Nkosi Sindiwe, Cape of Good Hope SPCA Cadet Inspector.

Sindiwe said he managed to kick the bakkies tailgate and canopy lock, and ran for his life, screaming for help. A good Samaritan was driving by and took Sindiwe to the closest police station, Harare SAPS.

PICTURE: Cape of Goodhope SPCA

The hijackers also robbed him of his wallet and phone.

In a statement, the Cape of Goodhope SPCA said this is not an isolated incident.

‘’This alarming incident highlights the immense risks faced by SPCA Inspectors in carrying out their animal rescue work… This is not the first time that one of our vehicles have been hijacked. In the last year we we lost one vehicle in a highjacking, had 2 attempted hijackings and now this incident” says Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse.

‘’Many of the communities our Inspectors enter to help are plagued by high crime rates and violence and it is within this environment that our staff must navigate to make a positive impact on the lives of animals.  Their mission is far from easy; aside from the cruelty they witness on a daily basis, they often face verbal and physical abuse from animal abusers.  Now they’re facing criminal elements who seek to rob, kidnap and hijack,’’ added Pieterse.

The handcuffs were removed from our brave Cadet Inspector by Harare SAPS and he was taken to hospital to receive treatment for a badly injured knee. A case has been opened with Harare SAPS for further investigation .

PICTURE: Cape of Goodhope SPCA


Done By: Mitchum George


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