Friday, June 02, 2023

Several learners at a M/Plain school collapses after complaining of ''feeling tired and dizzy.''

Classes have resumed at a Mitchell’s Plain school on Friday, following reports on Thursday of learners acting in a ‘strange manner.’

The Western Cape’s Education Department (WCED) said that several learners at Summerdale High School in Lentegeur, complained about feeling tired and dizzy.

PICTURE: Facebook - Summerdale High School 

It is understood that this is not the first time such incidents occurred at the school. According to concerned parents from the school, the last incident of such nature occurred in September 2022, when pupils wrote exams.

PICTURE: Screenshot of a teacher sending a WhatsApp message to parents not to be alarmed

Learners were busy with examinations, but had to be postponed to Friday.

‘’The WCED is aware of the incident that happened at the school. Yesterday [Thursday] morning, several learners complained about feeling tired and dizzy. Some of the learners collapsed and were assisted by staff,’’ said Millicient Merton, WCED spokesperson. 

‘’District officials visited the school to support the staff and learners. Ongoing support will be provided. The principal reported that school resumed as normal today [Friday],’’ she added.

This incident in Mitchell’s Plain is not uncommon. In August 2022, three learners at Khulani Secondary School in Langa were taken to a medical facility, after they reportedly collapsed or fell ill. The WCED at the time said several learners at the school allegedly reacted to a “spiritual calling.


Done By: Mitchum George

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