World Ocean's Day

By Tina George
08 June 2008

On Sunday was World Ocean's Day. This year’s theme "helping our climate helping our oceans" seeks to draw attention to the growing impact of climate change on our oceans.

According to Department of Environmental Affairs and Toursim spokesperson, Carol Moses, World Ocean Day, was designated in 1992 at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and provides us with an opportunity to celebrate the ocean of our world and appreciate the benefits we derive there from.

“Over-fishing and destructive fishing practices are threatening important marine resources, fishing livelihoods and economic viabilities of coastal communities. “

“All over the world fish stocks are showing signs of drastic decline. At home we have seen the closure of the commercial abalone fishery sector earlier this year followed rapid decline of the resource due to poaching and ecological changing. South Africa’s hakes stocks have also showing signs of stress, as we see fish stocks plummeting to all low levels across the globe. In South Africa the hake trawl fishery is the most valuable fishery sector,” says Moses.

Moses added that land based activities are also impacting on the state of our oceans, whether in coastal areas or hundreds of miles inland, people and industry impact on our oceans, decreasing water quality to the point where fish and other marine life struggle to survive.

“South Africa has completed a draft National Plan of Action for land-based sources of marine pollution which is in the process of finalization, says Moses.

“The celebration of World Ocean Day takes place within the context of all these environmental challenges and as South Africans, as citizens of the global community, we have a role to play in, helping our climate help our oceans”


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