Tuesday, June 17, 2008


# The Lavender Hill literacy project is raising funds for school libraries in and around Lavender Hill. Bric-a-brac, jewellery, small collectables and books are required. If you can help call Graham on 073 314 5918.

# Registration for Grade8 learners for 2009, is now open at Groenvlei High School in Lansdowne. All those wishing to register there should do so buy Thursday June 26. Forms can be collected at the school. For details, call 021 703 1142.

# Big Brother Big Sister are looking for volunteers who can spend one hour a week being a mentor or role model to a child in need. Some children need assistance with their school work, others just need support and encouragement. For more information contact 021 551 6996.

# A young, newly established brass band in Ocean View is looking for donations of instruments. Most members are poor and cannot afford instruments. If you can help in any way call Yusuf on 021 783 0265 for details.

If you would like our community information network to announce your community notice, submit a paragraph detailing the information of your event or project. Send those details to news@bushradio.co.za or fax them to 021 448 5451. You can even give us a call on 021 448 5450. Don’t forget notices that can uplift the community will be broadcasted free of charge.

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