Thursday, September 09, 2010

South Africa third most overweight country in the world

By Jurina Nkwazi
09 September 2010

A recent studies found that Cape Town is the fattest city in the country.

According to a study conducted by Pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline 72-percent of Cape Town residents are overweight.

Pretoria comes in a close second with 68-percent, followed by Johannesburg on 59-percent and Durban on 52-percent.

The United States of America made it in first place, Britain second with South Africa coming in at third place and Australia fourth.

1 comment:

Richard Healy said...

umLiving in Cape Town it's tragic to see so many people struggling with their weight. The reason why people get to such weighty points in their lives is because they are not eating enough!

That's right! People in these situations don’t eat enough of something essential…

… The essential nutrients that our bodies require every day!

So in order to survive and live within the limited nutrient levels you have given it, your body does three things:

FIRST: Your metabolism slows down in order to make you less active. This conserves energy and the remaining precious nutrients. This is why you feel tired!

SECOND: As a result of the slowed metabolism, you begin to store more fat because your body thinks it’s starving. (It is!)

THIRD: When your body is deficient in nutrients (i.e. even one tiny micronutrient that it needs to keep e.g. your hair healthy), it will “turn on” your hunger and cravings, hoping that you will eat the missing nutrient(s). Of course, you usually nibble on a cookie, “fast food” or more of the same nutrient-poor food that caused the deficiency in the first place! So you perpetuate the problem while losing health and stamina and in some cases continuing to gain weight.

So what’s the answer?

Start by taking a wellness evaluation to identify your deficiencies. It’s a FREE service and there is no obligation to do anything further, but maybe, just knowing what is wrong could help you fix it!

Go to and click on the weight management link. Fill out the survey and we’ll call you to help you understand what you need to do to lose weight and start feeling energised and healthy again.

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